USA Today - Sep 28 2020

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'Fatal Affair' star Long NIA
'Good one!' HAHA
'I'll be paying tonight!' ONME
'Kyle XY' star Dallas MATT
'No need to show me the replay' ISAW
'Pokemon, ___ catch 'em all . . .' GOTTA
'This Is What I Know About ___' (Kimberly Drew book) ART
'Welp, let's start over' BACKTOSQUAREONE
'Who's That Girl?' rapper EVE
Acting legend Grier PAM
Aliens (Abbr.) ETS
Appears SEEMS
Astronaut Coleman CADY
Be ambitious GOBIG
Big rig SEMI
Chapati flour ATTA
Clergy members (Abbr.) REVS
Come up ARISE
Common batteries AAS
Concept IDEA
Cook for too long BURN
Cooperative running event THREELEGGEDRACE
Day saver HERO
Defeated by a large margin BLEWOUT
Degrees held by some CEOs MBAS
DIY purchase KIT
Do ollies and kickflips SKATE
Egg part YOLK
Egg-based condiment, for short MAYO
Family nickname BRO
Family nickname MAMA
French coin EURO
Garment for a baby DIAPER
Get the ball rolling on INITIATE
Goal in some rooms ESCAPE
Head downhill, maybe SKI
Hollywood Walk of Fame shape STAR
Clues Answers
It may be difficult to break HABIT
Japanese sport SUMO
Leave teeth marks on BITE
Liquor store offerings GINS
Many online rants TWEETSTORMS
Messy place STY
Milkshake variety MALT
Most populous continent ASIA
Neighbor of Brazil (Abbr.) ARG
Nickname for Henry HANK
No longer fresh OLD
Offspring KIDS
Olive tree relative ASH
Opposite of fiction FACT
Organ whose name becomes a related verb if you add a letter EAR
Reason to swell with pride EGOBOOST
Regarding ASTO
Regret RUE
Salon substances GELS
Sandwich cookie named after an Italian city MILANO
Sao ___ and Principe TOME
Scene-ending exclamation ANDCUT
She/___ pronouns HER
Slip up ERR
Some Alaskans INUIT
Source of tunes for some commuters CARRADIO
Status ___ QUO
Surrenders CEDES
Tailoring concern FIT
Takes a seat next to SITSBY
Text from someone who just arrived HERE, e.g URL
They're counted at the gym REPS
Tourism hot spots RESORTAREAS
Vietnamese New Year TET
Watched someone's boxer DOGSAT
Well-behaved person GOODYTWOSHOES
___ Princess (singer of the queer anthem '1950') KING
___ Speedwagon REO