Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Sep 6 2020

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Clues Answers
"Daniel" singer John ELTON
"Gotta go," to a texter TTYL
"Insomniac" comic Dave ATTELL
"La Dolce —" VITA
"Sauer" hot dog topping KRAUT
"That went right by me" IMISSEDIT
"This is only —" ATEST
"Yoo-hoo!" HEY
"— Cafe" (old Whoopi Goldberg sitcom) BAGDAD
"— do you good" ITLL
2006 Nintendo debuts WIIS
A tyrant rules with one IRONFIST
Actress Sharon GLESS
Actress Ward SELA
Agts. going after tax evaders TMEN
Airline to Tel Aviv ELAL
Ankle-length skirt MAXI
Annie player Quinn AILEEN
Ant or beetle BUG
Arab country OMAN
Arm bones ULNAE
Article in Augsburg EINE
As originally found INSITU
Author Sarah — Jewett ORNE
Bacteriology gels AGARS
Baldwin of "Drunk Parents" ALEC
Banishment EXILE
Bee or Em AUNT
Beet or yam ROOT
Berlin loc GER
Big name in skin cream OLAY
Bursts in space NOVAS
Bygone Ford div MERC
Cake bakers OVENS
Capital of Peru LIMA
Cash caches requiring PINs ATMS
Catch NAB
Caused to propagate BRED
Cedar Rapids native IOWAN
Challenge as questionable IMPUGN
Chicks' hangouts NESTS
Chutzpah NERVE
City in southern California SANTAANA
Common chamber group STRINGQUARTET
Conductor Solti GEORG
Contacts, e.g LENSES
Deep cut GASH
Doggoned DANGED
Drinking alcohol ETHANOL
Epps of "Juice" OMAR
Eyes, to bards ORBS
Fade away EBB
Federal benefits org SSA
Figure at Madame Tussauds WAXSCULPTURE
Fix up text EDIT
Floor-washing robot SCOOBA
Florida or Ohio pol, e.g STATEREP
Floss fiber NYLON
Floss flavor MINT
Former Seabee, say NAVYVETERAN
French for "years" ANNEES
Fruit such as a peach or plum DRUPE
Furry adoptees PETS
Gives shape to, to a Brit MOULDS
Halo effect AURA
Hatch of Utah ORRIN
Hayworth of old films RITA
Heavy horn TUBA
Hip to INON
Clues Answers
Humpbacked lab helper IGOR
Illegal boxing blow KIDNEYPUNCH
Impassioned ARDENT
Jai — ALAI
Large crucifix ROOD
Leia's last name ORGANA
Like zebras' necks MANED
Lo — (Chinese dish) MEIN
Luminary STAR
Moniker for Lincoln ABE
NBC fixture since '75 SNL
Necessity NEED
Neighbor of Burkina Faso GHANA
New Mexico's flower YUCCA
Off-course ERRANT
Off. helper ASST
Once called NEE
Paint appliers, e.g COATERS
Painter Dufy RAOUL
Picture IMAGE
Poet Angelou MAYA
Prefix with skeleton ENDO
Prepare GETSET
Pulverize SMASH
Rascally sort IMP
Rascally sort ROGUE
Really digs ISINTO
Rotational forces TORQUES
Royal Dansk treat BUTTERCOOKIE
Scottish island IONA
Sea filler WATER
Set of parts to be assembled KIT
Short-hop plane AIRTAXI
Showing benevolence HUMANE
Single UNWED
Smidgens DABS
Solemn act RITE
Some sporty trucks, briefly UTES
Sound box at a concert AMP
Speaker's stand DAIS
Sports spots ARENAS
Spotted steed PINTOHORSE
Spur-of-the-moment choice SNAPDECISION
Step heavily TROMP
Stephen of "Angie" REA
Sumptuous POSH
Superhero with a magic ring GREENLANTERN
Swedish retail chain IKEA
The Beatles' "Let —" ITBE
The clear, open outdoors BROADDAYLIGHT
Their young are kids GOATS
Tokyo, once EDO
Top-secret govt. org NSA
TV's Linden HAL
TV's — May Clampett ELLY
Unscented ODORFREE
Veto NIX
Von — family ("The Sound of Music" group) TRAPP
Warty critter TOAD
What someone who completes this puzzle does? KNOWSBEANS
Wheel turner STEERER
Wheel turner AXLE
Wingtips' tips TOES
Womanizer, perhaps ROUE
Womanizer, perhaps ROMEO
— Hashana ROSH
— Vegas LAS