L.A. Times Daily - Feb 16 2010

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"... have you __ wool?" ANY
"Almost ready--be patient" NOTYET
"Just __ suspected!" ASI
"Rainbow" fish TROUT
"Remington __" STEELE
"Top Chef" network BRAVO
"__ my case" IREST
*Great concert turnout LARGECROWD
*Many an exec's remuneration SIXFIGURESALARY
*Relaxing soak NICEHOTBATH
*Unlucky selection SHORTSTRAW
Air gun ammo BBS
Beachgoer's shirt TEE
Bigeye or yellowfin, at a sushi bar AHI
Binary system digits ONES
Binary system digits ZEROS
Bio kin CHEM
Bit of Internet mirth LOL
Blood system letters ABO
Blow, as dough SPEND
Brew in a yard ALE
Catherine of "Beetlejuice" OHARA
Cease STOP
Cheese partner MAC
Company whose calling is calling AVON
Confirmation, e.g. RITE
Corsica neighbor ELBA
Course with many problems MATH
Downstairs, at sea BELOW
Every last one ALL
Exercise unit REP
Figure out SOLVE
Former California fort ORD
Free-for-all MELEE
Gambler's concerns ODDS
Good thing to kick HABIT
Heavy weight TON
Her book is read during the Jewish holiday Purim ESTHER
Hip-swiveling dance HULA
Clues Answers
HIV-treating drug AZT
Hobbyist's glue EPOXY
Kurt of Nirvana COBAIN
L.A.-to-Helena dir. NNE
Like Gen. Powell RET
Masonry-reinforcing rod REBAR
McDermott of "The Practice" DYLAN
Mythical air dweller SYLPH
NFL's Cardinals, on scoreboards ARI
Outperforms BESTS
Pa. plant in the 1979 news TMI
Point in the right direction ORIENT
Pre-coll. catchall ELHI
Pre-fetus stage EMBRYO
Preceding, in poetry ERE
Pulls an all-nighter BONESUP
Radio signal booster PREAMP
Regional plant life FLORA
Rice-__ ARONI
Rioting group MOB
Shallow sea area SHOAL
Sighs of contentment AAHS
Skeptic's demand SHOWME
Skin care maven Adrien ARPEL
Soap-making need LYE
Song from the past OLDIE
Sound file suffix WAV
Speed things up HURRY
Suffix with Brit ISH
Sympathetic connection RAPPORT
Tex-Mex dip SALSA
Three-time N.L. stolen base champ José REYES
Tree-dwelling apes ORANGS
Uncouth CRASS
Well driller OILRIG
Western Florida city TAMPA
Westernmost Aleutian Island ATTU
What you can say about sketches, and about the answers to the starred clues THEYREDRAWN
Work with hair STYLE