Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Aug 23 2020

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Clues Answers
"A Nightmare on — Street" ELM
"Eureka!" AHA
"Honor Thy Father" author Gay TALESE
"Moneytalks" rock band ACDC
"My Two Dads" actress Keanan STACI
"St. Elmo's Fire" bunch BRATPACK
"The — of the Ancient Mariner" RIME
"Who ya — call?" GONNA
"— done it!" IVE
"— Fideles" (yule carol) ADESTE
Actor Hugh GRANT
Actresses Longoria and Mendes EVAS
Advent ONSET
Affront, informally DIS
Alleviate LESSEN
Amtrak train ACELA
Apartment sharer, to a Brit FLATMATE
Arkin of film ALAN
Artist's stand EASEL
Baby cow CALF
Baseballer Hershiser OREL
Be defeated LOSE
Biblical "ark-itect" NOAH
Birth-related NATAL
Blast creator TNT
Board, as a train STEPONTO
Brian of electronica ENO
Bridge beam TRUSS
Burglarize ROB
Canadian metropolis OTTAWA
Carrere of "True Lies" TIA
Catch on to GET
Catching with a lariat ROPING
Chachi player Scott BAIO
Cheddar-like cheese COLBY
Chimp, e.g APE
Choose OPT
Co. kingpins CEOS
Colorado tribe UTE
Concentrated DENSE
Cookout raiders ANTS
D-Day invasion river ORNE
Decorative park shelter PAVILION
Denials NOS
Diving seabird AUK
Ending for auction EER
Estrada of "CHiPs" ERIK
Fa follower SOL
Fathered SIRED
Final Four org NCAA
Fleur-de- — LIS
Floral parts PETALS
For every PER
Former name of Kazakhstan's capital ASTANA
Gillette razor ATRA
Go by ship SAIL
Guitar ridge FRET
Half a school year SEMESTER
Headed up LED
Here-there link NOR
High peak ALP
Iceland-to-Ireland dir SSE
Illuminator on a dime TORCH
Just-OK mark CEE
Justice Kagan ELENA
Karate teacher SENSEI
Kind of wheat SPELT
L-P link MNO
Ladies' club policy NOMEN
Lawn stuff GRASS
Clues Answers
Leaves EXITS
Light meal BITE
Light meal NOSH
Like fillets BONED
Like most slasher films RRATED
Little cave GROTTO
Longing YEN
Lounging ATEASE
Love to bits ADORE
Lucky charm TALISMAN
Manning of the Giants ELI
Movie-archiving org AFI
NASA lander LEM
Neat and wholesome CLEANCUT
NFL team whose logo is a bracelet? CINCINNATIBANGLES
NFL team whose logo is a cheese curd? INDIANAPOLISCLOTS
NFL team whose logo is a Lipitor pill? TENNESSEESTATIN
NFL team whose logo is a perfume bottle? ATLANTAFLACONS
NFL team whose logo is a prairie? PITTSBURGHTREELESS
NFL team whose logo is a red planet? LOSANGELESMARS
NFL team whose logo is a steak? DETROITLOINS
NFL team whose logo is a sword? CHICAGOSABER
NFL team whose logo is an amoeba? NEWENGLANDPROTISTA
Nix from Nixon, say VETO
Nixing mark DELE
Nonsensical INANE
Office helper: Abbr ASST
Old film critic James AGEE
Old PC screen CRT
Opposite of day, in Italy NOTTE
Opposite of staccato LEGATO
Oscar winner Witherspoon REESE
Poet Jonson BEN
Pointy heel STILETTO
Pond wrigglers NEWTS
Pre-takeoff abbr ETD
Prefix with 101-Down NEO
Prefix with cycle UNI
President of Syria ASSAD
President on a dime ROOSEVELT
Pupil, in Paris ELEVE
Put straight ALIGN
Really vexed ATEAT
Rhinoplasty doc ENT
Rile IRK
San —, Italy REMO
Sarcastic SNIDE
Singer Paul ANKA
Small-time MINOR
Smell ODOR
Soon to receive, as a treat INFOR
Stockpile AMASS
Suffragist — B. Wells IDA
Super-close buds BFFS
Swansea locale WALES
Taken eco-friendly measures GONEGREEN
Target of the Million Mom March, for short NRA
Thrill ELATE
Thurman of "Robin Hood" UMA
Traffic marker CONE
Trojan hero AENEAS
Tyrant Amin IDI
U2 vocalist BONO
Venus — (Louvre statue) DEMILO
Volcano in Sicily ETNA
Western lake TAHOE
What the weary have, in a saying NOREST
Where a goatee grows CHIN
Wood chopper AXE
You, quaintly THEE