The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 8349

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Clues Answers
Austrian folk dance LANDLER
Breakfast mix MUESLI
Church accommodation VICARAGE
Composed sounds MUSIC
Decorative band on wall FRIEZE
Deprived (of) BEREFT
Dessert course AFTERS
Fish; hairstyle MULLET
French police officer GENDARME
Greek letter ZETA
Heavy filling food STODGE
Like ancient Greek or Roman art CLASSICAL
Clues Answers
Maori war dance HAKA
Not transparent OPAQUE
Number SEVEN
Portray, show DEPICT
Psalm or hymn tune CHORALE
Quantity of medication DOSAGE
River of northern France SOMME
Semiconducting element SELENIUM
Style of sweater polo-neck
Tall glass; ship SCHOONER
Very pressing URGENT
Virtuoso solo passage CADENZA
Work for voice(s) and orchestra CANTATA