The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 8337

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Clues Answers
Beekeeper APIARIST
Blood vessel ARTERY
Common garden insect EARWIG
Desk; office BUREAU
Devotional beads ROSARY
Farewells GOODBYES
Genuinely, properly TRULY
Glossy red fruit TOMATO
In position in situ
In the open air ALFRESCO
Indian fried pastry SAMOSA
Items of mail LETTERS
Clues Answers
Limited in scope NARROW
Mistaken belief FALLACY
Pleasing, graceful COMELY
Pointed shape STAR
Reciprocal; common MUTUAL
Recurring at intervals REGULAR
Shoes, etc FOOTWEAR
Type of washing machine twin-tub
Undesirable people RIFFRAFF
Unpigmented creature ALBINO
Uproar, outcry furore
Violently kill SLAY