The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 29,421 - Jul 21 2020

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Clues Answers
Abandon bushy area SCRUB
Agree aunt breaks promise GUARANTEE
Allow a doctor turning up on strike to leave hospital ADMIT
Alluring witchcraft concealing trap MAGNETIC
Argue no cement that's mixed can provide support ENCOURAGEMENT
Begins pastries after son STARTS
Bird was first to be named TITLED
Coward might have written this answer after drink DRAMA
Daft king in doorway? Not on a regular basis IGNORANT
Delightful new diamonds NICE
Disturb rare, cute and small animals CREATURES
Energy in deer's legs STAGES
Even out a uniform following crooked pleat PLATEAU
Guys count in their heads MENTALLY
In cupboard is he stacking plates? DISHES
Clues Answers
Leave out some breakfast -- I'm officially rising OMIT
Left by part of church, daughter fell from the faith LAPSED
Little European swimmer in pond? TADPOLE
Most warm -- and most cool? HOTTEST
One following boss round workplace STUDIO
Place for dieter with weight going up and down? GYMNASIUM
Pop group starts to get extra stroppy after cold vegetables CABBAGES
Sign of the cold winter in Paris with rat outside SHIVERING
Stir one's pot with a piece of cutlery TEASPOON
Trader's first currency problems TROUBLE
Training doctor badly DRILL
Turn over and fetch the woman at the same time TOGETHER
US -- it wrongly will remove leaders with force STRONGLY
While a student, hard to enter firm ALTHOUGH
Workers in this stable damaged business ESTABLISHMENT