- Feb 7 2010

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Clues Answers
''And giving __, up the chimney . . .'' ANOD
''Cats'' inspirer's monogram TSE
''Cool'' dude CAT
''Daily Variety'', for one TRADEMAGAZINE
''Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'' author LOOS
''Jo's Boys'' author ALCOTT
''Make it snappy!'' ASAP
''Registered'' corp. symbols TMS
''__ of the D'Urbervilles'' TESS
''__ Rock'' (Simon & Garfunkel song) IAMA
111 Across, e.g. DOG
2002 Winter Olympics site UTAH
52 Down invention of 1903 WIPER
Absorb gradually OSMOSE
Ancient Egyptian king RAMESES
AOL, e.g. ISP
Assembly-line product AUTO
Baker's need OVEN
Banjo part NECK
Basketball, slangily HOOPS
Berlin article EINE
Big name in pretzels SNYDERS
Bone-dry SERE
Boring routine RUT
British record label EMI
Broad smile GRIN
Broadcasters AIRERS
Calendar abbr. MON
Calls on SEES
Capital of Tibet LHASA
Car pioneer OLDS
Carried out DID
Caterpillar competitor DEERE
Change course VEER
Charged atoms IONS
Charlottesville sch. UVA
Come up ARISE
Cooling units, for short ACS
Debt letters IOU
Decreased WANED
Destructive spinner CYCLONE
Direct the course of STEER
Discover, with ''out'' FERRET
Dockage place MARINA
Doughnut shape TORUS
Economic division SECTOR
Encouraging touches PATS
Enlisted personnel RANKS
Even chance TOSSUP
Evening, in Rome SERA
Fall back RECEDE
Fever reliever ASPIRIN
Fictional plantation TARA
Film again RESHOOT
Fixes holes in hose DARNS
Fixes, as a road RETARS
Flying pest GNAT
For men only STAG
Former Chrysler head IACOCCA
Former Disney head EISNER
Fouls up ERRS
Fraternal members ELKS
Freak out GOAPE
French articles UNES
Geometry calculation AREA
Grocery carriers CARTS
Had a hankering ITCHED
Heroism VALOR
Highest degree NTH
How losses are often shown INRED
Clues Answers
Inadvertent digital-image waves MOIREPATTERN
It's about 17 million square miles ASIA
It's bigger than a toy MINIATUREPOODLE
It's nothing NADA
It's nothing ZERO
Japanese wrestling SUMO
Judge or juror TRIER
Judy Garland's younger daughter LORNA
Kissing pair LIPS
Lake __ (source of the Mississippi) ITASCA
Like diet candy SUGARFREE
Like some cheeses AGED
Loses control PANICS
Loughlin of ''Full House'' LORI
Luau instrument UKE
Make over REMODEL
Map lines: Abbr. RDS
Mexican-American celebration CINCODEMAYO
Military wear, for short CAMO
Minn. neighbor NDAK
Modifies suitably ADAPTS
Name on a bowl, maybe FIDO
Narrow inlets RIAS
New Zealand natives MAORIS
Night-school subj. ESL
No square HIPSTER
Not of a piece VARIED
Not vacant INUSE
One of the Jackson Five TITO
Outer: Prefix ECTO
Pakistani language URDU
Poet Teasdale SARA
Poetic adverb ANON
Prefix for physics ASTRO
Prima donna DIVA
Quick way to stop ONADIME
Railroad flares FUSEES
Rock category IGNEOUS
Rowboat need OAR
Rush violently HURTLE
Sales rep. AGT
Sam Goldwyn malapropism INCLUDEMEOUT
Scholarship allowance STIPEND
Sciences' counterparts ARTS
Scrapes (out) EKES
Sensitive spot PRESSUREPOINT
Shocking fish EEL
Short-story writer Alice MUNRO
Sizable degree WIDEMARGIN
Spanish bear OSO
Specialty FORTE
Speculate GUESS
Suffix for human OID
Swindler CHEAT
Sword fights DUELS
Throw out EVICT
Trappings REGALIA
Trucker's safety device SIDEMIRROR
Twists out of shape WARPS
Unassuming nature MODESTY
Unifying ideas THEMES
Vacation memento PICTUREPOSTCARD
Very quickly INASECOND
Wall St. debut IPO
Wasn't winning TRAILED
World-renowned FAMED
Zane and Lady Jane GREYS
__ best friend (95 Across) MANS
__-vegetarian OVO