The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 8317

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Clues Answers
Become subject to INCUR
Book of psalms PSALTER
Catching sight of ESPYING
Colour fabric tie-dye
Computer component hard drive
Diversity VARIETY
Egyptian god HORUS
Expected golf hole score PAR
Floating sheet formed from glacier ice floe
Fortunate LUCKY
Gaelic social event CEILIDH
Gulf emirate DUBAI
Islamic rulers CALIPHS
Israeli port HAIFA
Clues Answers
Jewish scholar RABBI
Like clean fuels SMOKELESS
Music style RAP
Music style hip-hop
Pair DUO
Remoulded tyre RETREAD
Rumour source GRAPEVINE
Sleeping noisily SNORING
Stands across STRADDLES
Strict, harsh SEVERE
Tendons, ligaments SINEWS
Very cold ICY
Very deep chasm ABYSS
Waist measurement GIRTH