The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 1,433 - May 17 2020

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Clues Answers
-- John Durham Ashdown (Paddy Ashdown) JEREMY
1924 novel by P. C. Wren BEAUGESTE
1969 hit by Johnny Cash ABOYNAMEDSUE
A North American in Latin America YANQUI
American prize for literature, journalism or music PULITZER
Ancient Greek dramatist, author of 'Prometheus Bound' AESCHYLUS
City in south-west Zimbabwe BULAWAYO
Complete agreement UNISON
Complete, not having any restriction or qualification ABSOLUTE
Curl at side of face worn by Elizabethan dandies EARLOCK
Eleventh son of Jacob (OT) JOSEPH
From Sanskrit, word for a Hindu sage or a saint RISHI
Impregnate with gaseous element atomic no. 8 OXYGENATE
In Greek mythology, one of the three Fates LACHESIS
Clues Answers
Law limiting succession to males SALIC
Max --, English singer and entertainer BYGRAVES
Metal brooch resembling a safety pin FIBULA
Novel by Nabokov LOLITA
Ringlet on forehead KISSCURL
Sheltered place not often in the shade SUNTRAP
Small lump of gold NUGGET
Soft bed originating in Japan FUTON
Songbird that feeds on insects and seeds NUTHATCH
South American country, capital Caracas VENEZUELA
Ted --, former England cricket captain DEXTER
Title of humorous book by Stephen Potter ONEUPMANSHIP
Used old ideas without significant changes REHASHED
White or grey with age HOARY