- May 14 2020

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
Ab muscle group OBLIQUES
Air Force overseas addr APO
Amazon smart speakers ECHOS
Amplification apparatus PASYSTEM
Article applied to the Canadiens LES
Attach to a corkboard PINUP
Bamboo eater PANDA
Bit of baby talk DADA
Boaster's assurance ICANSO
Borrowed from another museum ONLOAN
Catch in the act NAB
Chill-inducing EERIE
Chromatic nuance TONE
Cupid alias EROS
Diamonds, for instance SUIT
Facing a reliever, say ATBAT
Fast on one's feet SPRY
Fish with nets TRAWL
For each, informally APOP
Gives the right (to) ENTITLES
Google Talk alternative SKYPE
Having a resemblance AKIN
How many drink their tea ICED
Hubbub ADO
Ill-fated energy firm ENRON
Impolite exhalations BURPS
In an instant QUICKASAWINK
In an instant ALLOFASUDDEN
In progress AFOOT
Influence PULL
Island home of 100+ million JAPAN
Jaunt in the woods NATUREHIKE
Last film Wonka DEPP
Lets go of, with ''down'' SETS
Clues Answers
Match played on mats JUDO
Minimal progress ATOB
Name that's an anagram of ''manor'' NORMA
NFL stat TDS
NFL stat YDS
Novelist Kellerman FAYE
Overindulgent episode SPREE
Palatal lobe UVULA
Pathfinding puzzles MAZES
Plays with, as a puppy might PAWSAT
Races one's reading SKIMS
Rain blocker TARP
Religious retreats ABBEYS
Remarkably fine RARE
Repairperson's array TOOLS
Reveal that you know LETON
Runs into MEETS
Scolding sound TSK
Sibling, for short BRO
Skin cream company AVON
Song sung on a stage ARIA
Sounding whiny NASAL
Southern fried side OKRA
Star of ''The Irishman'' DENIRO
Starter for starter NON
Starts playing for pay TURNSPRO
Stylish sparkle FLAIR
Supplementary ADDED
Taper off ABATE
The Cotton St ALA
They're placed in small houses DOLLS
Too controlling BOSSY
Unlikely to collapse STURDY
Unsophisticated one NAIF
Whopper LIE