- Jan 8 2010

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Banana Boat Song'' word DAYO
''Calendario'' word MAYO
''I've __ Be Me'' GOTTA
''Leave It to Beaver ''kid HASKELL
''The Good War ''author TERKEL
2-13 VHF
Affirmative YEA
American Leaguers TWINS
Berlin gentleman HERR
Big name in makeup ESTEE
Burst POP
Canada's Oscar GENIE
Carrier to 23 Across SAS
Constellation's brightest star ALPHA
Corundum variety EMERY
Current measurement AMP
Delta city, informally NOLA
Exceptional MYEYE
Faux pas NONOS
First name in choreography TWYLA
Flagstaff neighbor SEDONA
French dough EURO
Grant veep Colfax SCHUYLER
Grazing grounds MEADOWS
Greek vowel LOY
High degree PHD
Home of the Ibsen Museum OSLO
Hypothetical particle QUARK
Ingmar protégée LIV
Invoice nos. AMTS
Invoice number TOTAL
Japanese drama NOH
Legal papers DEEDS
Let loose, maybe APPLE
Lobby for ACME
Mathematician's initials QED
Maui musicmakers UKES
Clues Answers
OAS member PERU
Offered personal training TUTORED
Often-misspelled possessive ITS
One of South Africa's three capitals CAPETOWN
One of those things THAT
Ottoman Empire founder OSMAN
P as in __ PHTHALATE
P as in __ PTARMIGAN
P as in __ PFENNIG
P as in __ PNEUMONIA
P as in __ PSEUDONYM
Paint the town red REVEL
Parts of some suits VESTS
Pose ASK
Rat follower ATAT
Roy Rogers' birth surname SLYE
Sandwich filler EGGSALAD
Set pieces SCENERY
Slow, on a score LENTO
Some bonuses MERITPAY
Sponge MOOCH
Stop, at sea AVAST
Tell the story of PAYRATE
Tennis sites LAWNS
To have and to hold OWN
Totaled CANOE
Transmogrify ALTER
Troubadour topic LOVE
Type of preview SNEAK
Uneasy feeling ANGST
Utility USE
Vast body SEA
What ''dis'' means EEE
__ alternative ASAN
__ pickle INA
__-Saxon ANGLO