- May 1 2020

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Fried'' side RICE
''No fighting!'' BENICE
''Selma'' production company HARPO
1 Down, to Noah ANCESTOR
Abbr. for a choice or change ALT
Any of 1.9 million Israelis ARAB
Aphrodite's boy EROS
Bad tidings WOE
Bard's ''Shame on you!'' FIE
Big cheese PREZ
Book after 23 Across ISAIAH
Breakaway Serbian KOSOVAR
Camry competitor ALTIMA
Cast doubt upon IMPUGN
Chain for breakfast IHOP
Cloud computing giant IBM
Cobbled together MADE
Court appointee before Elena SONIA
Cut for cords SAWED
Day break REST
Day break SNOOZE
Ecclesiastes follower SONGOFSOLOMON
Estimate officially ASSESS
Evinces artistry STRUTSONESSTUFF
Exercise accessory TOWEL
Felt or heard SENSED
First network to broadcast in color CBS
First of all ADAM
Fly prey ANT
Fly softly hit BLOOP
Garden tool SPADE
Gets together MEETSUP
Gourmet cooker STONEOVEN
Hamster cousin VOLE
Clues Answers
Instrument with hammers PIANO
Joker battler BATMAN
Knocked over INAWE
Loathsome UNSAVORY
Made a false move FEINTED
Magnitude EXTENT
Mildew remover brand TILEX
Motorwagen maker BENZ
Muse of history CLIO
Natural soother ALOE
One billion years EON
Pasturage LEA
Pelleted projectiles BBS
Photon, for instance BOSON
Priest's subordinate DEACON
Quick-cooling rage FAD
Rankle EATAT
Rapturous writing ODE
Regular S&L opening ACCT
Renewable fuel BIOGAS
Resort east of London SOUTHENDONSEA
Sit up suddenly SNAPTO
Sounds of big bells BONGS
Source of wisdom SAGE
Sudden improvement BOUNCE
Symbol of strength STEEL
Takes seriously HEEDS
Tchaikovsky turndown NYET
They often hit the dance floor HEELS
Took a drive AUTOED
Undergo alteration MUTATE
US mint since 1952 PEZ
Vouching for OKING
Waited no longer ACTED
Warm and comforting TOASTY
What a thesaurus ain't DINO