Universal - Jan 4 2010

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Climactic" intro ANTI
"Judging Amy" actress DALY
"That oughta ___!" DOIT
"To a Skylark," e.g. ODE
"___ Been Everywhere" (Johnny Cash song) IVE
"___ sparingly" USE
'60s Shirley Booth role HAZEL
African arroyo WADI
Agricultural pest APHID
Always used by a poet? EER
An anagram for "asset" SATES
An evergreen YEW
Ancient Egyptian papers (Var.) PAPYRI
Anticipatory nights EVES
Applied frosting ICED
Atty.'s group ABA
Babar, e.g. ELEPHANT
Band worn in mourning CRAPE
Basic Latin verb ESSE
Beauty parlor treatment FACIAL
Between assignments IDLE
Biological identifier DNA
Bit of change CENT
Bug with its own season FLU
Capital ending? ISM
Certain war site, informally NAM
Chef's cover APRON
City on Puget Sound TACOMA
Conch shell effect ROAR
Court plaintiff SUER
Culmination ACME
Cup o' joe JAVA
Cut made by a saw KERF
Dainty material LACE
Doo-___ WOP
Drink delicately SIP
Etna's melted rock LAVA
Faux pas BONER
Guacamole or fondue DIP
Clues Answers
Hayseed YOKEL
Hollow cylindrical material TUBING
House's counterpart SENATE
Hush Puppies hound BASSET
In a fitting manner APTLY
In different places APART
Inadvertent mistakes SLIPS
Insults using wit ZINGS
Interstate demarcation LANE
It gets filled STAFFPOSITION
It gets filled JELLYDOUGHNUT
It gets filled HOTAIRBALLOON
It may be coronary or pulmonary ARTERY
It might have a silver lining ORE
Just plain bad AWFUL
Leisurely catch rays BASK
Like cheap lipstick SMEARY
Long-lived OLD
Loops with running knots NOOSES
Measures of work ERGS
More sharp, as pain ACUTER
Mr. Magoo's malady MYOPIA
No longer out AWAKE
One who goes to court? WOOER
Optimally rated AONE
Parts of inner thighs GROINS
Pre-Easter season LENT
Rub the wrong way RANKLE
Slumgullion, e.g. STEW
Test out, as clothes TRYON
Unkind nickname for a corpulent man FATSO
Unneeded command for chowhounds EAT
Walk with great effort TRUDGE
Where tigers roam ASIA
Wimbledon highlight FINAL
Word before a discounted price ONLY
Words of gratitude THANKYOU
Yeanling's parent EWE
___ and only ONE