The Sun - Two Speed - Mar 30 2020

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Clues Answers
Ally importing revolutionary weapon MACHETE
Asian recipe in area educated woman covers RAITA
Black fish makes animal cry BRAY
Board wants approval in French and German OUIJA
Broad knife MACHETE
Business to intimidate two males held inside COMMERCE
Casual shoe (informal) SNEAKER
Children ISSUE
Coat pupils should wear? CORNEA
Compassionate chap in shade HUMANE
Current passing through fish grounds BASIS
Difficult militarist, no leader at war, died AWKWARD
Drink on tick for boss SUPREMO
Embarrassing display observed we hear SCENE
European tax company backed group of eight OCTAVE
Evening prayers EVENSONG
Extort money from (figurative) BLEED
Foundation BASIS
Front of the eyeball CORNEA
German composer BACH
Green gem EMERALD
Harsh as I've to restrain supporter ABRASIVE
Hebridean isle SKYE
Heehaw BRAY
Husband in car say reversed to fill tank CHARGE
Indian yoghurt dish RAITA
Irish national emblem SHAMROCK
Clues Answers
Island finally gets link by bridge SKYE
Johann Sebastian's address in Wales BACH
Kindhearted HUMANE
Male waterfowl DRAKE
Milk from humble educator BLEED
Mr Duck died a dissolute man DRAKE
Musical interval OCTAVE
No odd number in service EVENSONG
One sits with problem POSER
Overall chief SUPREMO
Plant anything but a girl's best friend? SHAMROCK
Pointer CLUE
Popeye's energy source SPINACH
Puzzling question POSER
Rat unfortunately has pain inside windpipe TRACHEA
Row is over little Susan ISSUE
Rush forward CHARGE
Seconds: small quantity without a vegetable SPINACH
Setting SCENE
Shoe for one going furtively SNEAKER
Signal keeps Liberal in lead CLUE
Social rank ECHELON
Some in creche long for order ECHELON
Spiritualist's item OUIJA
Stone dealer excited to accept million EMERALD
Throat passage TRACHEA