Universal - Mar 29 2020

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"CSI: NY" actress Ward SELA
"Horrible" Viking of comics HAGAR
"That hurt!" YOW
"The Divine Comedy" poet DANTE
Achy affliction FLU
Actress Long of "Boyz n the Hood" NIA
Appalled AGHAST
Approximately, datewise CIRCA
Apr. addressee IRS
Bank (on) RELY
Because of DUETO
Behemoth in the ocean ORCA
Best possible IDEAL
Bit of biathlon gear SKI
Blows it ERRS
Bouncing baby? JOEY
Brief films about certain dogs? BOXERSHORTS
Broadcast slot AIRTIME
Certain dog's place to swim? DALMATIANCOAST
Certain dogs from the same litter? POINTERSISTERS
Components of Scotland and Greece ISLES
Consider DEEM
Cries copiously SOBS
Device that catches mice TRAP
Device you can bank on?: Abbr ATM
Doesn't feel too well AILS
Durable wood used in shipbuilding TEAK
Elisabeth of "CSI" SHUE
End of a bridal path ALTAR
Fabric of fine net TULLE
Fellow fighter ALLY
Fitting APT
Floating ice mass BERG
Get really angry GOAPE
Harvard or Yale student IVYLEAGUER
High esteem RESPECT
High-pitched bark YIP
Hits with hail PELTS
Jiggly dessert JELLO
Clues Answers
Leaves in stitches? SEWS
Leg-hiding skirt MAXI
Lobby for drs AMA
Lowest roll on a die ONE
Make airier, as flour SIFT
Many "PAW Patrol" viewers TOTS
Muscat native OMANI
New Deal org. that created set prices NRA
Nourished FED
Online message EMAIL
Ousted ruler of 1917 TSAR
Outlaw BAN
Pacific island nation that removed "Western" from its name SAMOA
Parents in a certain dog family? LABPARTNERS
Pictures for the dentist XRAYS
Prolonged attack SIEGE
Roasting rod SPIT
Run ___ (be out of control) AMOK
Salami and pastrami seller DELI
Search (for) LOOK
Search engine spider, e.g BOT
Searches for SEEKS
Sense of self EGO
Sticky, wet stuff TAR
Sticky, wet stuff GOO
Take a breath INHALE
Take a trip on a ship SAIL
Tart to the taste SOUR
Tear passageway DUCT
Testing standard NORM
Ticked off SORE
Totally confused ALLMIXEDUP
Try for a win VIE
Uncertain IFFY
Used delaying tactics STALLED
Very funny person RIOT
Wallops SOCKS
Welcome center offering, familiarly INFO
Workout precursor STRETCH