Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Apr 12 2020

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Clues Answers
"Chicago" showgirl Hart ROXIE
"Danke —" SCHON
"Humbug!" BAH
"I Love Lucy" neighbor ETHEL
"Stay" singer Lisa LOEB
"Toodles!" TATA
"What's the —?" ("Care to explain that?," slangily) DEALIO
"Whoopee!" YAY
"— -daisy!" OOPSY
"— de Lune" CLAIR
'1 RIO
10th month, in German OKTOBER
Abbr. on an airport uniform TSA
About ASTO
Aide: Abbr ASST
Analogy part ISTO
Anklebone TALUS
Australian landmark AYERSROCK
Backpacked beast, maybe ASS
Bleacher feature TIER
Bleacher feature SEAT
Brewer's kiln OAST
Bug B Gon's brand ORTHO
Capital of Yemen SANAA
Carnival vessels CRUISESHIPS
Chicago hub OHARE
Club get-togethers SOCIALS
Comic actor Aykroyd DAN
Commotion STIR
Companies with cabbies TAXISERVICES
Crosses (out) XES
Cuddle (up) SNUGGLE
Cul-de-sacs DEADENDS
D-Day city in France CAEN
Devilish grin SNEER
Discord deity ERIS
Divine seers PROPHETS
Dress finely, with "out" TOG
Dried up SERE
Edna Ferber novel SOBIG
Elaine in Trump's Cabinet CHAO
Equipper of horse hooves SHOER
Event for unloading household items in an urban area STOOPSALE
Face defacer ACNE
Feng — SHUI
Fidgeting ANTSY
Finally ATLAST
Folding craft ORIGAMI
Frosty and the like SNOWMEN
Garlicky mayonnaise AIOLI
German wine region MOSEL
Get higher RISE
Give the details of GOINTO
Golf norm PAR
Green Hornet's aide KATO
Hebrew holy text TORAH
Hoedown excursions HAYRIDES
Hooded viper ASP
Hoped-for result of a throw to a receiver TOUCHDOWNRUN
I problems? EGOS
Jacob Bronowski book about human history, with "The" ASCENTOFMAN
Japan finish? ESE
Jupiter, e.g GOD
Kite's home NEST
Literature Nobelist Hermann HESSE
Literature Nobelist William Butler — YEATS
Long-necked beast GIRAFFE
Clues Answers
Longtime CBS series CSI
Lot statistic ACREAGE
Makes glossy, as one's hair SLICKS
Many golf hits onto the green APPROACHSHOTS
MGM rival RKO
Miami Heat great Wade DWYANE
Mil. missions OPS
Most bleak DREARIEST
Nastase of tennis fame ILIE
Native of Iran's capital TEHRANI
Native of the Raiders' home OAKLANDER
Negative votes in Congress NOES
Niels with a Nobel BOHR
Not hidden SEEN
Not ignited UNLIT
Oodles ATON
Owns HAS
Part of DJ DISC
PC brand ACER
Plant-based salve for treating bruises ARNICA
Platoon unit SQUAD
Poi plant TARO
Pooh-bah VIP
Positive vote in Congress AYE
Prefix with payment or partisan NON
Racing circuit LAP
Rembrandt painted with them OILCOLORS
Retina parts associated with monochrome vision RODCELLS
Revlon rival CLAIROL
Sadie — Day HAWKINS
See 129-Across ALI
Shark's place SEA
Shark's place OCEAN
Shoshone woman who accompanied Lewis and Clark SACAGAWEA
Shrub shapers PRUNERS
Singer Della REESE
Sister of Eva and Zsa Zsa MAGDA
Sitting Bull's tribe LAKOTA
Skilled thief, slangily TAKEOFFARTIST
Small flutes FIFES
Small hand drum of India TABLA
Snaky curves ESSES
Stayed silent KEPTQUIET
Steer catcher LASSO
Stein quaff ALE
Street vehicle CAR
Stuffy story ATTIC
Suffix with human OID
Sweetheart DEAR
Tabby CAT
Taos locale NEWMEXICO
Teensy WEE
Tempos RATES
The sun, e.g ORB
The sun, e.g STAR
Tofu base SOY
Took the gold WON
Trip associated with the starts of seven answers in this puzzle PASSENGERFLIGHT
Units of work ERGS
Waitress at Mel's Diner FLO
Weightlifting unit SET
Weightlifting units REPS
With 6-Down, boxing legend's boxing daughter LAILA
Yard third FOOT
You RSVP to it online EVITE
— -lacto diet OVO
— Dame NOTRE
— polloi HOI
— terrible (hellion) ENFANT