Irish Times (Crosaire) - Feb 11 2020

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Clues Answers
A foreign maiden making inquiries is getting exposure Unmasking
As the labourers see it, excellent head on pint of stout PLUMP
Beastly types from trendy post offices HIPPOS
Cancels short break from college with popular policeman RESCINDS
DJ from hostelry in red upset by part of the suit DINNERJACKET
Fashionable mobile is not in service INACTIVE
Feels uneasy as adaptation is on ages AGONISES
Financial authority opens unfinished building unit, previously sold by the yard FABRIC
Fundamental sect loses leader and one confidante ULTIMATE
Keeps The Suits in check within earshot of the leadership CLOSET
Lancastrian misses train going around Rialto CANALS
Leave Kilmainham with Oriental illegal ticket seller in thick mist going back to Mountjoy GETOUTOFJAIL
Let off the hook by former partner and is mostly unoccupied EXEMPT
Old glory for The New Yorker to point out AMERICANFLAG
Clues Answers
Part of Malaga invokes another time AGAIN
Party is on the way into Office RECEPTION
Precious type of hammer or a blade ADORABLE
Reference book about time isn't finished ATLAS
Shows contempt for salesperson dismissing opals SNEERS
Starts for Riga from Singapore OPENS
Take oils out of boiler suit from the Mediterranean port BEIRUT
The roots of one child's game wrapped up in the present HERITAGE
Those in The Pod lose the head with angry outbursts from old workers PEASANTS
Took care of business in latest mess? Give me that in plain English! TRANSLATE
Train - leave on it for one of The Heights ELEVATION
Type of accountant, for example, invested in island CATEGORY
University worker familiar with Dubliners, for example READER
Unskilled worker getting to grips with Heavy Metal is in charge of the party LABOURLEADER