- Feb 7 2020

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Clues Answers
#7 US city in population SANANTONIO
''And what is __ as . . .'' SORARE
''I protest!'' NOFAIR
''Inside the NBA'' analyst ONEAL
''Othello'' lead character CAPITALO
31-day president HARRISON
Abrupt turndown REBUFF
Arthurian island AVALON
Be brilliant SHINE
Bestir from bed ROUST
Certain canine EYETOOTH
Colorado Springs collegian CADET
Common Y course CPR
Deep sleep COMA
Expressed out loud ORAL
Expressed out loud STATED
Fabric, in product names TEX
Formal letters EPISTLES
Furniture collection DUST
Had temporary popularity TRENDED
Have a date, say EAT
He said, ''Politics is war without bloodshed'' MAO
He set up Vatican Radio MARCONI
How some seafood is cooked PANSEARED
Identity query WHO
Intersected MET
Its average elevation is 10,000+ feet NEPAL
Jazz Age dance craze CHARLESTON
Lofty lyric ODE
London's locale: Abbr ONT
Look after MIND
Matt Groening sci-fi series FUTURAMA
Metaphor for clarity BELL
Mexican-American music TEJANO
More or less equal ONAPAR
Neo-noir director TARANTINO
Clues Answers
Newly created NASCENT
Offender's query WHATDIDO
Office agreement LEASE
Old Testament patriarch ISAAC
Olympics vehicle CANOE
One use for grass HAY
Organic pot scrubber COB
Particle in some laser beams ARGONION
Pervade FILL
Phoenix hoopsters SUNS
Retainer, for instance FEE
Road surface of a sort DIRT
Roadhouse INN
Santa alias NICK
Seated on ATOP
See 15 Across MAN
Seedy hangout DIVE
Set down PUT
Skilled with GOODAT
Small quantity DOLLOP
Social subtlety TACT
Some association members ALUMNI
Southern state of Mexico OAXACA
Star trekkers of long ago MAGI
Surfing mecca THENET
Take up OCCUPY
Taurus neighbor ARIES
Tevye's ''Omigosh!'' OYGEVALT
Tom Cruise ex KATIE
Troupe group ACTORS
Two-fisted MACHO
Verbal or physical blow JAB
Volcanic product ASH
Walking ONFOOT
What to ''save the date'' for EVENT
With 21 Across, one of the Avengers IRON
Withdraw from presiding RECUSE