Universal - Nov 24 2009

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Clues Answers
"American Pie" destination LEVEE
"But I heard him exclaim, ___ he drove ..." ERE
"Friends" character PHOEBE
"Ghostbusters" director Reitman IVAN
"Gimme a ___" SEC
"Harper Valley P.T.A." singer Jeannie C. ___ RILEY
"I ___ man with seven ..." META
"Iliad" wife HECUBA
"Rolez" watch, e.g. SHAM
"The Splendid Splinter" Williams TED
"___ a Peach" (Allman Brothers album) EAT
100 cents, in Cape Town RAND
A Great Lake ERIE
Adjusts for romantic effect, as lights DIMS
African antelope TOPI
Air bag, of a sort LUNG
America's bird EAGLE
Animal known for its righting reflex CAT
Anomalous ATYPICAL
Apostrophe followers, often ESSES
Archipelago part CAY
Backups SUBS
Barney's boss ANDY
Beefeater product GIN
Bone under a bracelet ULNA
Broke, in a sense TAMED
Capital on the River Liffey DUBLIN
Certain abstract paintings OPART
City southwest of Ithaca ELMIRA
Click open UNSNAP
Crunch producer NESTLE
Daring deed EXPLOIT
Days of ___ YORE
El, pluralized LOS
Electrolocation users EELS
False front? PSEUDO
Farm soil LOAM
Flavor SAPOR
Clues Answers
French painter Rousseau HENRI
Helpers from abroad AUPAIRS
Hot health drink GREENTEA
Illicit smoke REEFER
Involving otherworldly practices MYSTIC
It may be found in a stew LADLE
Kind of furniture PATIO
Latke ingredients ONIONS
Lowest high tide NEAP
Magical phrase HOCUSPOCUS
Magical phrase ABRACADABRA
Magical phrase OPENSESAME
Massage target? EGO
Moniker NAME
Ogler EYER
Patina, essentially FILM
Point of culmination APEX
Red state grp. GOP
Ring-tailed animals COATIS
Rinse out ELUTE
Rooting section? STY
Sagacious sorts GURUS
Scottish tongue ERSE
Sight from Turkey AEGEAN
Site of many a protest EMBASSY
Skier's asset BALANCE
Speedy breed of steed, for short ARAB
Sunlight blockers DRAPES
The three little kittens' reward PIE
Time off LEISURE
Undergrad course, briefly PSYCH
Uneaten morsels ORTS
Uneducated guess STAB
Venerate ADMIRE
What some use to ply their craft? OARS
Where cattle graze LEA
Wrap brand SARAN
___-letter days RED