The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 581 - Dec 9 2019

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Clues Answers
A drama unfolding for fleet of warships ARMADA
Above on horseback, one amid celebrities UPSTAIRS
Alarm father and knight SIREN
Applied science, endlessly attractive SCENIC
Be firm, step on it PUTONESFOOTDOWN
Betting method, rigged by eccentric, succeeded FIXEDODDS
Chances of advancement, taking in university brochure PROSPECTUS
Commotion starts to signal trouble in restaurant STIR
Crossing a line, following British dramatist TRAVERSAL
Foremost of liners, fabulous ship, leaves one of the Florida Keys LARGO
Former ruler from Indian city, eastern section TSAR
Instruction: change it somehow TEACHING
Lorry then crashed in wind NORTHERLY
Material dug up DENIM
Neat poker hand STRAIGHT
Clues Answers
One is blown producing sound NOISE
Piece of music composed around this era SERENADE
PM on edge in madhouse MAYHEM
Professional companion in Cambridge is happy-go-lucky GEISHA
Prohibition on most of domestic fowl BANTAM
Raised voice in argy-bargy following curtailed trip FALSETTO
Scary ride weaving on straight GHOSTTRAIN
Scottish castle hit hard, surrounded by American soldiers GLAMIS
Spots madcap RASH
Stoned fruit not working in a pudding PLUMDUFF
Stupid person, not returning for seafood? PLANKTON
Ten falling into trap immediately after NEXT
Type of poker found by girl docked on river flowing through Iraq MISTIGRIS
Underling attached to party in power DOMINION