The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,348 - Dec 11 2019

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Clues Answers
... her boyfriend Len over in the doghouse KENNEL
A southern French department is heaven for northerners ASGARD
Bill's partner will invest Republican capital? BERN
Current Tory sex symbol? ICON
Do brilliant talk CONFAB
Dolly girl almost is able to keep ... BARBICAN
Duty paid by hood in America burning new energy on his chopper? CARBONTAX
Gloomy face, bored by second minute DISMAL
In which we discuss freedom of movement, initially hacked by Russia online FORUM
Ink producer constant in its environment SEPIA
Largely bustling bar, base in city BRISBANE
Leading area manager AHEAD
Little Joanna's book advanced £1,000, given Times plug BABYGRAND
Mo -- Grade I funny character! IDEOGRAM
Much the same as 2, caught malaria travelling CALAMARI
Clues Answers
Old warhorse candid about fresh change? Quite the opposite COPENHAGEN
One might inspect article penned by retired collier EXAMINER
Oscar rents ace apartment aboard houseboat? AFLOAT
Palace upset, wasting time playing Sunday side? APPLESAUCE
Patsy rejected last slice of Yorkshire pudding DUPE
Posh boy, wildcat every now and again LADIDA
Pranced around following tango -- a hoofer TAPDANCER
Queue go after westbound taxi, last in rank TAILBACK
Recorded fiddle and gong? MEDAL
Shearer left Southampton, November 1st ALLSAINTS
Some Tokyo semi-terraced park, where Sam lives YOSEMITE
Tabloid paper, e.g. the Sun STAR
Upsetting Nato, Iran ecstatically embraces the situation SCENARIO
What an Aussie says admiringly, seeing his daughter tearing up? YOULITTLERIPPER