Eugene Sheffer - King Feature Syndicate - Jan 2 2020

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Clues Answers
'Damn Yankees' vamp LOLA
Abolish RID
Antelope's playmate DEER
Art props EASELS
Bake sale org PTA
Bedouin ARAB
Borodin's 'Prince —' IGOR
Carson's successor LENO
Caviar base ROE
Charged bit ION
Choir voices ALTI
Deep cut GASH
Designer Claiborne LIZ
Division word INTO
Drunkard WINO
Enthusiasts FANATICS
Eye drops TEARS
Flair ELAN
Garbage barge SCOW
Gets wind of HEARS
Ginormous number ZILLION
Green sauce PESTO
Hardy lass TESS
Harry Potter pal RON
Has a bug AILS
Heavy weight TON
Horn sound TOOT
Inventor Whitney ELI
Kilt wearer SCOT
La Scala solo ARIA
Leisurely SLOW
Lennon's love ONO
Clues Answers
Limber AGILE
Menagerie ZOO
Niger's neighbor MALI
Not many AFEW
Olympian queen HERA
On the up and up LEGIT
One of the five W's WHO
Papa's mate MAMA
Picnic crasher ANT
Playground sights SEESAWS
Polite address SIR
Polite address MAAM
Puts on DONS
QB's goals TDS
R-V link STU
Refrain (from) ABSTAIN
Rum cocktail MAITAI
Satan's forte EVIL
Savings plan acronym IRA
Shadowy outline SILHOUETTE
Sightseer TOURIST
Solidify GEL
Stashed HID
Superlative suffix EST
Swelled head EGO
Ultraviolet filter OZONE
Unspoken TACIT
Witch's pot CAULDRON
With (Fr.) AVEC
Within (Pref.) ENTO
— -de-France ILE