The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 8109

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Clues Answers
Atom core NUCLEUS
Bend; cable FLEX
Bright and showy GARISH
Chinese system of energy flows feng shui
Compound such as lime ALKALI
Cook in an oven ROAST
Dull, bleak DREAR
Evergreen shrub CAMELLIA
Explosive noise BANG
Fish; corner ANGLE
Fuss, difficulty ADO
Gradually advance ENCROACH
Kitchen device GRATER
Clues Answers
Lack of proportion IMBALANCE
Large conurbation CITY
Loss of fluid LEAKAGE
Make unable to hear DEAFEN
New York theatre land BROADWAY
Outside limit EDGE
Peremptory request DEMAND
Proposal OFFER
Regard with approval ADMIRE
Small quantity MODICUM
Taking by force ABDUCTING
That woman HER
Transported goods FREIGHT