The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 29,189 - Oct 23 2019

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Clues Answers
A scented flower forest, one in Georgia GARDENIA
Animal worker before eastern European uprising ANTELOPE
Area with intimate dwelling ABODE
Best friend will eat one cold, in current fashion TOPICALLY
Brine causing wet areas to be redeveloped SEAWATER
Call to mind almost always covering fine EVOKE
Caught Weasley maybe, pinching old Scottish pot CAULDRON
Dancing shoes for people who trip? SLIPPERS
Designated fashion centre of Windsor STYLED
Earth should be scattered by shelter in white shiny material PATENTLEATHER
Exhausted, ringing endlessly ALLIN
Extent of suspicion about Democrat BREADTH
Fixed a paper handrail with no end of aid and equipment PARAPHERNALIA
Flush from corporate venture EVEN
Honour given to copper twice right for being as cool as this CUCUMBER
Clues Answers
Humiliated by answer when caught in bed ABASED
Liberal American needing alias for capital LUSAKA
Mounted soldiers covering old actor's way in STAGEDOOR
Operator will guzzle starter of these fish STURGEON
Poor cadet welcoming unlimited offer is not genuine AFFECTED
Refuse fights SCRAPS
Rogue doctor accepted by newly-trained counsel SCOUNDREL
Spinner sees heroic exploit cut short in front of bird DEEJAY
Stopping shortly to register CHECKIN
Switch leaders of ill-defined industry such as this NUCLEAR
Tale of chivalry in court ROMANCE
Tight son refuses to eat FASTS
Transport military arm, thinking originally RAFT
Vulgar predilections absorbing the French TASTELESS
Write quickly seeing son move like a baby SCRAWL