Wall Street Journal - Oct 16 2009 - October 16, 2009 - Cooking 100

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Clues Answers
'A waking dream,' according to Aristotle HOPE
'At Last' singer James ETTA
'Refresh everything' sloganeer PEPSI
'See if I care!' HUMPH
'That's a lie!' NOTSO
'The Nazarene' author ASCH
'Turn Me Loose' singer FABIAN
A group of them is called a parliament OWLS
Admitting (to) OWNINGUP
Analgesic target PAIN
Arches National Park setting UTAH
Atlantic City casino, with 'the' TAJ
Attaches, as a feed bag TIESON
Aunt, in Asunción TIA
Author Canetti ELIAS
Bakery buy ECLAIR
Believer in uncertainty AGNOSTIC
Bellow ROAR
Bigelow offerings TEAS
Bill showing the Treasury Building TEN
Bldg. that's not well-attended? HOSP
Blues scores GOALS
Bond, e.g. AGENT
Brain test results, for short EEGS
Brynhildr's brother, in myth ATLI
Cable channel whose first broadcast was 'Gone With the Wind' TCM
Cable channel whose first broadcast was 'Gone With the Wind' TNT
Capital before Concord EXETER
Casual quality EASE
Check, perhaps: Abbr. ENCL
Chinese noodle dish LOMEIN
Coined money SPECIE
Common or Juvenile RAPPER
Como, per esempio LAGO
Corrida chant OLEOLE
Course about using raw bar condiments? TAKEITONTHECLAM
Course for British fried food enthusiasts? CHIPHUGGERS
Course in time-honored earthenware cooking? CROCKOFAGES
Course on a taboo ham seasoning? FORBIDDENCLOVE
Course on international cuisine? CHOWINTHEWORLD
Course on keeping fit during vegetable preparation? CHOPSKIPANDJUMP
Course on preparing coffeecake topping? LETSGETREADYTOCRUMBLE
Creator of Gargantua and Pantagruel RABELAIS
Credit card claim NOHASSLE
Cub Scout leader AKELA
Density symbols RHOS
Director Resnais ALAIN
Dubai denizen ARAB
Eliel Saarinen's son EERO
Engine turner ROTOR
Engine valve CHOKE
Fam. members RELS
Fingers IDS
Finished stealing, maybe SLID
Former OLD
Frozen drink brand ICEE
Galoot APE
Generosity LARGESSE
Gentle TAME
Great deal HEAP
Happily accepting OPENTO
Has wings, say EATS
He rhymed 'Bronx' with 'thonx' NASH
Hilarious sort RIOT
Hits, old-style SMITES
Hook helper SMEE
Clues Answers
How some questions are better left UNASKED
Hyped to excess OVERSOLD
Imbecile ASS
Individually APIECE
Intl. commerce group WTO
It comes with a charge ION
It makes cents USMINT
Jai ___ ALAI
Japanese soup choice MISO
Jargon ending ESE
Layered ice cream treat SPUMONI
Letter on some Swiss watches OMEGA
Lid problem STYE
Line breaker SCAB
Line of high cliffs PALISADE
Livens (up) PEPS
Loose-fitting shirt CAMISE
Many an MIT grad ENG
Merger acquisition? INLAW
Molls and dolls GALS
More intrepid BOLDER
Mtn. stat ELEV
Neighborhood in which 41-Down was located NOHO
Nellie's portrayer in the version of 'South Pacific' aired by PBS REBA
Not as strict LAXER
NYC punk club from 1973 to 2006 CBGB
Oblivious beneficiaries INGRATES
Ottoman official AGHA
Oversees TENDS
Oxlike beast GNU
Patriot Day mo. SEPT
Person who puts you in your place USHER
Polonium discoverer CURIE
Pool person STENO
Prize GEM
Quash VETO
Rainfall measure INCH
Repulsed remark UGH
Ring source BELL
Sax object REED
Seeming eternity EONS
Shaving cream choice GEL
Shaving cream choice FOAM
Sinbad's home port BASRA
Singer Horne LENA
Small brook RILLET
Soup seed LENTIL
Stands for a presentation EASELS
State south of Bhutan ASSAM
Stephen of 'The Crying Game' REA
Straight HETERO
Suffered defeat, slangily ATEIT
Tallies TOTSUP
Tally SUM
Tampa Bay gridder BUC
The Flying Dutchman, for one GHOSTSHIP
The Giants retired his number MAYS
They may be walked on EGGSHELLS
Two of racing's Unsers ALS
Velvety fabric CHENILLE
Voiced one's disapproval TSKED
Waifish supermodel KATEMOSS
Wear on ELAPSE
Western state, slangily CALI
Wooded valley DELL
Words of accusation ETTU
Yoga system HATHA
___ doble (Latin dance) PASO
___ Palace (Sarkozy's residence) ELYSEE
___-on-Hudson, New York CROTON