The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 27,929 - Sep 18 2019

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Clues Answers
A proposer of a Superman fashioned from zinc sheet NIETZSCHE
Bony, very backward duck OSTEAL
Boozer in loving embrace, failing to shape up AMORPHOUS
Can be expressed as 'iron-backed yarn' EFFABLE
Convenient place for men to spout? URINAL
Don't dump on Raleigh, for instance RECYCLE
Existentialist element of religious art rejected SARTRE
Fake tears spilled on encount­ering impedance ERSATZ
Falsely testify against one being recruited for fun and games FESTIVITY
He recognised the absurdity of being Conservative with a problem getting up CAMUS
Hector heartlessly held in unbelievable slavery THRALL
Imprisoned in the manner of an ancient people INCAN
It's associated with bridge in tutorial topics RIALTO
King George put away cares — slight king, just the same? I came to that conclusion too! GREAT
Land failure TURKEY
Make a mess of relieving foreign consulate of can TOUSLE
Clues Answers
Mobile program adding energy to British pop starter APPETIZER
One who considered being a Swiss miss, almost a pro­vocative one? HEIDEGGER
Oxygen-enriched form of cast-iron combinations CONSORTIA
Palace head linked to Pik Botha's ultimate collapse TOPKAPI
Reposition wonky bale to be upright REPUTABLE
Reservoir into which old-fashioned writers would be dipped INKWELL
River, Polish river RHONE
See 11 ALIKE
See 11 MINDS
See 11 THINK
Spend until one's cup overflows? SPLASHOUT
Starting price put on ancient German sequin SPANGLE
The Mendips housing fix EMEND
Thief, one making a noise leafing through papers? RUSTLER
Traditional tales of feet that are a joke? LEGENDS
Wager from old days settled LAYODDS