Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Sep 15 2019

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Clues Answers
'Addams Family' cousin ITT
'Come —!' ('Get real!') OFFIT
'Eh, so-so' MEH
'Hamilton' composer — -Manuel Miranda LIN
'Jane —' EYRE
'Ltd.' cousin INC
'My career as a tailor will start soon'? IHAVENOTYETBEGUNTOFIT
'Norma —' RAE
'Now, Voyager' actress Chase ILKA
'Phooey!' FIE
'QED' center ERAT
'That louse just hatched a few hours ago'? THENITISSTILLYOUNG
'To recap ...' INSUM
4 p.m. social event, maybe TEADANCE
Actor Gilliam STU
Actress Polo TERI
Allow to flow again UNDAM
Asian ideal TAO
Backpedal RENEGE
Ball swatter BAT
Blasting stuff TNT
Book after Song of Solomon ISAIAH
Boot tip TOE
Brief outline SKETCH
Burial locale TOMB
Certain pizza chain logo DOMINO
Chris of tennis EVERT
Closet staple HANGER
Conductance unit, once MHO
Costco unit CASE
Debtor's note IOU
Declined the offer SAIDNO
Depletes SAPS
Determine beforehand PRESET
Disperse from a central point FANOUT
Drying ovens KILNS
Dude's prom duds TUX
Earns back, as losses RECOUPS
Egypt and Syr., once UAR
End-of-workweek cry TGIF
Epps of 'House' OMAR
Excited pointer's cry OHLOOK
Fiddles with ALTERS
Fifty-fifty EVEN
Fills with black gunk TARS
Filthy place RATTRAP
Filthy place PIGPEN
Fish feature FIN
Fishing boats DORIES
For each PER
Fuming mad IRATE
German indefinite article EINES
Get involved STEPIN
Get up RISE
Gunpowder stuff NITER
Hairstyle COIF
Hairy pollinator's darting movement? THEFLITOFTHEBUMBLEBEE
Hallow BLESS
Headwear for Fred Astaire TOPHAT
High rollers? ELS
Hilarity GLEE
Himalayan humanoid YETI
Historical unit ERA
Hockey hero Bobby ORR
Holiday tree FIR
Horse's kin ASS
Hurly-burly TODO
In — (as first placed) SITU
Clues Answers
Interweave while wearing a lustrous Sir Lancelot costume? KNITINSHININGARMOR
Jay-Z's genre RAP
Kimono belt SASH
Kind of PC port USB
Lacks life ISNT
Less sure IFFIER
Life jacket, e.g VEST
Like green bananas UNRIPE
Like Peru's mountains ANDEAN
List abbr ETC
Longhair cat ANGORA
Lookalike TWIN
Mafioso John GOTTI
Major road ARTERY
Make a pick OPT
Make whole HEAL
Mini and midi SKIRTS
Mongrel CUR
Monkey used in research RHESUS
Moral tenet ETHIC
Motorist's crime, for short DWI
NBAer Gasol PAU
Occupy a chair to apply Visine drops? SITFORSOREEYES
Omelet need EGG
On — streak (lucky) AHOT
One who's not stingy SHARER
Orthodontic separators SPACERS
Outranking ABOVE
Paige on a stage ELAINE
Partial mending of a paper cut? SLITIMPROVEMENT
Pink pencil tip ERASER
Prefix with cycle or color TRI
Rally cheers RAHS
Revered Fr. nun, maybe STE
Ruling from a boxing ref TKO
See 113-Down ENTRY
See 50-Down RIG
Shrunken Asian lake ARALSEA
Siblings who compose legal orders? THEWRITBROTHERS
Signing stuff INK
Silver-gray ASH
Siri's Amazon counterpart ALEXA
Slip-ups ERRORS
Soccer icon PELE
Some cobras ASPS
Spacecraft segment MODULE
Spacek of film SISSY
Study of vision OPTICS
Styling sites SALONS
Suffix with schnozz OLA
Sweetie pie HONEY
Swiss river AAR
Swivel SLUE
Tack (on) ADD
Talking- — (scoldings) TOS
Tee lead-in ESS
Ticket info ROW
Ticket info ETA
Ugly fairy-tale figure OGRE
Ugly fairy-tale figure HAG
Very sorry RUEFUL
Watch over GUARD
Will soon obtain U.K. citizenship? HASABRITFUTURE
With 55-Down, back-door access REAR
With 77-Down, well-drilling structure OIL
— for tat TIT
— Mawr College BRYN
— tai (drink) MAI