The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,287 - Aug 27 2019

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Clues Answers
Appearance in public produces concern LOOKOUT
Artist has ultimate of respect for small individual engraving ETCHER
Bestselling record several would find offensive NOISOME
Character inclined to support strike involving cuts BACKSLASH
Discovered where one's to wear award for gallantry HEROISM
Essentially Springfield cover secures final act in music festival GLASTONBURY
Expletives coming from yob, aitches dropped regularly OATHS
Fast runner, one taking banned substance reportedly? CHEETAH
Fear concerning the new style open cooking surface I advanced NEOPHOBIA
Frequently son loses temper? On the contrary OFTEN
Fry, say, chicken after favourite starter of salmon's revolting STEPHEN
Furniture cover worth getting repaired THROW
Hairstyle that creates quite a buzz? BEEHIVE
Instrument in old vehicle isn't as every other one OCARINA
Clues Answers
John describes Northern joke from many years back LONGAGO
Money from regeneration of Wearside beginning to disappear READIES
Mostly growing grape unsuitable for wine? RAISIN
Nationality of European tucking into Cornish pasty, perhaps? SWEDISH
Nice lover, possibly of help in car trips FRANCOPHILE
Rejected disadvantage in answer about what is causing misbehaviour SHENANIGANS
Satchel of American visiting Great Britain, going around by train SCHOOLBAG
Some disagree lecturer's to return a second time REELECT
Spend time delayed during seeking treatment for pet? INVEST
Start to attack suddenly, something that's exciting TURNON
Swiss city defends rotten meat in tin, for instance BASEMETAL
Take advantage of customers about TRADEON
Tense United encountering resistance at home, home to Juventus TURIN
Where to find numbers of sensational hotel staff? YELLOWPAGES