Universal - Aug 21 2019

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Clues Answers
"A Fish Called Wanda" star Kevin KLINE
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" girl DARLA
"Every Kiss Begins With ___" (jewelry slogan) KAY
"Laugh-In" comedy duo half ROWAN
"Laugh-In" comedy duo half MARTIN
"Up in Smoke" comedy duo half CHEECH
"Up in Smoke" comedy duo half CHONG
'80s auto that opened up DELOREAN
A lot, to Alejandra MUCHA
Abominable Himalayans YETIS
ADHD medication RITALIN
Adjective for the "Iliad" or "Odyssey" HOMERIC
Adjusts a time sheet REDATES
Always, to a bard EER
Asia's Tien ___ Mountains (NASH anagram) SHAN
Backup strategy PLANB
Burned, digitally ONCD
Caesar's words to Brutus ETTU
Catch feelings for CRUSHON
Chocolaty spread NUTELLA
City south of Berkeley OAKLAND
Curl tightly FRIZZLE
Delight ELATE
Devastate HITHARD
Dirtbags SLEAZES
Event such as water turning to wine MIRACLE
Falsehood UNTRUTH
Favorite food of Winnie-the-Pooh HONEY
Filming light type KLIEG
Finish cleaning a spill MOPUP
Ford or Lincoln AUTO
Former Russian ruler CZAR
Fuel additive brand STP
Grunted like a pig SNORTED
HBO rival, briefly SHO
Home, in Hamburg HAUS
Clues Answers
Hose holder REEL
Ice-skating comedy duo half FRACK
Ice-skating comedy duo half FRICK
Immunity trigger ANTIGEN
Intel chip PENTIUM
It's often refried in Guadalajara FRIJOLE
Klink and Sanders: Abbr COLS
Like some bandages GAUZY
Madam's counterpart SIR
Mineo or Maglie SAL
More small-minded PETTIER
Norse works EDDAS
Ocean critter that often has five arms SEASTAR
On the ___ (at large) LAM
Onetime Microsoft encyclopedia ENCARTA
Pet carrier opening AIRHOLE
Physicist Ohm GEORG
Quitter's declaration IRESIGN
Radio/early TV comedy duo half BURNS
Radio/early TV comedy duo half ALLEN
Revivalists, for short? EMTS
Serena Williams' org WTA
Shameless self-confidence CHUTZPAH
Shed like a snake MOLT
South African currency RAND
Steely Dan's best-selling album AJA
Suffix for "real" or "actual" IZE
Ten-gallon, e.g HATSIZE
That ship HER
Used Elmer's GLUED
Walgreens competitor RITEAID
What's far from fair? ANI
Zellweger of "Chicago" RENEE
___ Gay ENOLA
___ Nui (Easter Island) RAPA
___ Vanilli MILLI