Universal - Aug 15 2019

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
"Come to ___!" PAPA
"Ditto!" SOAMI
"Old" nursery rhyme king COLE
"Star Wars" or "Rocky" SAGA
"The Way We ___" (Barbra Streisand film) WERE
1914-18 conflict GREATWAR
A bruised one could use a massage EGO
Amazon's business ETAIL
Ancient Andean INCA
Attacked RANAT
Big name in bouillon KNORR
Bit of work ERG
Blogger's revenue source, perhaps GOOGLEADSENSE
Bouquet ___ (herb blend) GARNI
Bureaucratic tape color RED
Candied tuber YAM
Cape Town coin RAND
Cartoon scream EEK
Chapel seat PEW
Choosing rhyme start EENIE
Color TV pioneer RCA
Cursed Biblical brother CAIN
Device that can find the hidden words in 19-, 28- and 45-Across? METALDETECTOR
Divest (of) RID
Dominican Republic's ___ Domingo SANTO
Dreadful DIRE
Durango day DIA
Eden evictee ADAM
Frontiersman Daniel BOONE
Furrow, as the brow KNIT
Future watermelon SEED
Giraffe cousin OKAPI
Govt. workplace watchdog OSHA
Greek god with a bow EROS
He conquered ancient France CAESAR
He's a deer STAG
Hide, as an acorn BURY
Clues Answers
Informal move RELO
Kind of bunt or fly, briefly SAC
Latch (onto) GRAB
Like a caftan LOOSE
Made soundproof DEADENED
Meadow moms EWES
Medicare supplement provider AETNA
Montague teen ROMEO
More hostile ICIER
Mosaics, e.g ART
Nasty look SNEER
No-goodnik BADEGG
Not ready to serve UNDERDONE
Oil tycoon BARON
Oklahoma's "Wheat Capital" ENID
One may use location services APP
Out of bed ARISEN
Pearl or vidalia vegetable ONION
Plain font ARIAL
Policy for some dog owners PETINSURANCE
Popular pear BOSC
Predisposition BIAS
Raggedy doll ANN
Rubbish DRECK
Search for SEEK
Short fuse HOTTEMPER
Silly expression GRIN
Slangy neophytes NOOBS
Sound-related SONIC
Strange ALIEN
T h i s c l u e h a s m a n y o f t h e m SPACES
Ticked-off state IRE
To be, to Amelie ETRE
Waiting for New Year's Day, say UPLATE
Where a stay goes COLLAR
With the greatest of ___ EASE
Wonderment AWE
___ avis RARA