USA Today - Sep 17 2019

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Clues Answers
'. . . bells on __ toes' HER
'Correct,' casually YEAH
'Quiet down!' SHUSH
'Six-pack' muscles ABS
'The Shining' door buster AXE
13, for most bar mitzvah boys AGE
Andrew who painted Helga WYETH
Autumn outfit collection FALLENSEMBLE
Bakery appliance OVEN
Bed size TWIN
Beverage cart's path AISLE
Big name in bananas DOLE
Blue toon SMURF
Bone in the 'pinkie' side of the arm ULNA
Brunch glassfuls, for short OJS
Bubbleheads, to Brits TWITS
Calendar entry in 2016 and 2020 LEAPDAY
Camera placement ANGLE
Class cutters HOOKYPLAYERS
Defiant child's words MAKEME
Diamondback's sound RATTLE
Dignified manner MIEN
Ditch under a drawbridge MOAT
Dog summoner's word HERE
Fake ID user, commonly TEEN
Far from clueless AWARE
Fracture stabilizer PLASTERCAST
Galleon pole MAST
Golden Gloves entrant BOXER
Hard-hearted one's lack PITY
Hit-or-miss ERRATIC
Home to Pixar's Nemo REEF
Hot-blooded feeling ARDOR
Israeli-made gun UZI
Late-night host before Fallon LENO
Layers studied by geologists STRATA
Links bagful CLUBS
Long-eared equine ASS
More than just advise URGE
Clues Answers
Moves like sludge OOZES
Mushroom morsel STEM
NBA or NHL official REF
Nile waders IBISES
Not much at all ABIT
Not vacant INUSE
Nursery cry WAH
Offer for approval SUBMIT
One of five in 'Othello' ACT
Outpaced the field WON
Pfizer, for one DRUGCOMPANY
Port in a storm HAVEN
Radioer's 'Understood!' ROGER
Retiree's income PENSION
Ribbed suit material SERGE
Rich Viennese treat TORTE
Shire of 'Rocky' movies TALIA
Site for a stud LOBE
Site with auction lots EBAY
Ski-Doo's surface SNOW
Slumber party wear, briefly PJS
Software glitches BUGS
Soothsayer's sign OMEN
Soprano's big moment ARIA
Stick around REMAIN
Storybook meanie OGRE
Strip mall occupant SHOP
They're rounded after homers BASES
Twisty road curve ESS
Unlikely to bite TAME
Vengeful feeling WRATH
Vowel-rich lake ERIE
Walkout defier SCAB
Was a porch pirate STOLE
Went on a rampage RANRIOT
Wicked look SNEER
Wimbledon segment SET
Xenophobe, e.g HATER
Zombie's sound MOAN