The Times - Concise - Times Concise Jumbo No 1388

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Clues Answers
— Stock; — pin ROLLING
Administrative trio in ancient Rome TRIUMVIRI
An order of magnitude as much TENFOLD
Ancient Greek battle THERMOPYLAE
Avoiding extremes middle-of-the-road
Become pally with BEFRIEND
Bring under control; quieten SUBDUE
Catcher of animals for fur TRAPPER
Central part of a country or area HEARTLAND
Cheerful, friendly JOVIAL
Curl of hair; butterfly RINGLET
Debate, conversation DISCUSSION
Desire to bring back former practices revivalism
Difficult matter; puzzle PROBLEM
Disinclined RELUCTANT
Eg, waltz or tango DANCE
English cheese CHEDDAR
Faultless PERFECT
First in importance PREMIER
Follow as a model IMITATE
Form of bacterial pneumonia Legionnaires' disease
Formal headgear TOPPER
Gave up work RETIRED
Give energy to INVIGORATE
Greatly pleased DELIGHTED
Had the same sound RHYMED
Help, support AID
In demand sought after
Increase the strength of (a solution) CONCENTRATE
Clues Answers
Indiscriminate slaughter CARNAGE
Insistently URGENTLY
Limit; hit at cricket BOUNDARY
long strip of fabric RIBBON
Mail deliverer POSTMAN
Making anxious DISQUIETING
Official proclamation EDICT
One looking after another CARER
Paid assassin hired gun
Perfect happiness NIRVANA
Period of immaturity CHILDHOOD
Poisonous plant ACONITE
Prepared (a field) for planting PLOUGHED
Profaning holy things SACRILEGIOUS
Railway carriage; vehicle CAR
Raised earth between furrows RIDGE
Reduction in loudness DECRESCENDO
Regain self-control pull oneself together
Relating to a particular religion ISLAMIC
Remain firm stand one's ground
Russian labour camp GULAG
Savagely cruel BARBARIC
Setting agent for jams PECTIN
Silver in 1 Down ARGENT
Superior high-class
System of coats of arms HERALDRY
Treater of minor foot ailments CHIROPODIST
Undeviating route BEELINE
Unit of time SECOND
Upset; abolish OVERTURN