The Times - Concise - Times Concise Jumbo No 1372

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Clues Answers
Admiral — —, German battleship scuttled at Montevideo Graf Spee
Aromatic oil PATCHOULI
Aromatic plant MINT
Ballet costume TUTU
Beginning to develop INCIPIENT
Biochemical catalyst ENZYME
Bit by bit PIECEMEAL
Butterfly or moth larva CATERPILLAR
Californian beach MALIBU
Complete; replete FULL
Confrontational behaviour MILITANCY
Courgette in North America ZUCCHINI
Cricket ground building PAVILION
Devotional painting ICON
Duelling sword EPEE
Fear-inducing activity white-knuckle ride
Feeling certain CONFIDENT
Forgeable metal wrought iron
Fraud SCAM
German motorway AUTOBAHN
Gesture dramatically GESTICULATE
God of love EROS
Happening frequently REGULAR
Having a ruddy complexion RUBICUND
Immediate medical treatment first aid
Indulge in publicity bang the drum
Judicial killer EXECUTIONER
Clues Answers
Long heroic story SAGA
Magnificent, splendid SUPERB
Maker of women's hats MILLINER
Misguided wrong-headed
Mixture for soaking meat before cooking MARINADE
Money paid back REFUND
Musical genre rock and roll
Not easy to understand UNCLEAR
Obsequious person LICKSPITTLE
Onion genus ALLIUM
Pay up foot the bill
Pink wading bird FLAMINGO
Play by Tennessee Williams cat on a hot tin roof
Radiation just outside the visible spectrum ULTRAVIOLET
Rather uneven ROUGHISH
Related to healing THERAPEUTIC
Sensation experienced by an amputee phantom limb
Sequence; thread STRING
Show intense approval ENTHUSE
Stopped for a time SUSPENDED
Strange, odd PECULIAR
Studier of organisms and the environment ECOLOGIST
Study of government political science
Surgeon's knife SCALPEL
Troops stationed in a town or fortress GARRISON
True to life REALISTIC
Unquestioning follower MYRMIDON
Very foreign EXOTIC
Watcher VIEWER
What makes foretelling the future tricky UNPREDICTABILITY