The Times - Concise - Times Concise Jumbo No 1304

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Clues Answers
Ancient Mexican AZTEC
Brownish-red earthenware TERRACOTTA
Central part of the body MIDRIFF
Characteristic (of) TYPICAL
Cherry liqueur MARASCHINO
Cold emitted light PHOSPHORESCENCE
Daring adventure ESCAPADE
Destructive to both sides in a conflict INTERNECINE
Dishonest dealer CHEAT
Disillusionment DISENCHANTMENT
Easing of strained relations DETENTE
Epoch when first apes appeared MIOCENE
Excess of people in a place OVERPOPULATION
Express dissatisfaction COMPLAIN
Flexible PLIABLE
Get wise (to) cotton on
Group of poetic lines STANZA
Having a permanent post TENURED
Indulge, spoil PAMPER
Inflammation of the stomach and intestines GASTROENTERITIS
Institutional scholar ACADEMICIAN
Kind of hard wheat DURUM
Large bivalve mollusc CLAM
Like feats of flying AEROBATIC
Like much joint pain RHEUMATIC
Make extremely thin EMACIATE
Not listening INATTENTIVE
Not needing any introduction self-explanatory
Official instruction DIRECTIVE
One drafted into the forces CONSCRIPT
Clues Answers
One of two or more available possibilities ALTERNATIVE
One sensitive to art and beauty AESTHETE
Organise again after a defeat REGROUP
Ostentatious clothing FINERY
Part of the head EARLOBE
Precisely on time PROMPT
Process of removing poisons detoxification
Professional person's customer CLIENT
Repeating too often REPETITIOUS
Right-hand car pedal ACCELERATOR
Short pleasure trip OUTING
Slender fibre FILAMENT
Small donkey BURRO
Something protruding PROJECTION
Soup or stew POTTAGE
Spoken SAID
Starchy root CASSAVA
Strikebreaker SCAB
Suspend HANG
Take dishonestly for one's own use MISAPPROPRIATE
Take for the state's use EXPROPRIATE
Towards the other side of ACROSS
Twist together ENTWINE
Type of drug SUPPRESSANT
Typical example of something PARADIGM
Very influential nation SUPERPOWER
Wall paintings FRESCOES
Way through something PASSAGE