L.A. Times Daily - Sep 21 2009

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Clues Answers
"Baseball Tonight" station ESPN
"The Prisoner of __": 1937 Fairbanks film ZENDA
"To whom __ concern" ITMAY
502, to Nero DII
Acted boldly DARED
Annoying, like a kid brother PESTY
Applied Simoniz to WAXED
Ark builder NOAH
Assigned as the partner of, as in dance class PAIREDWITH
Astound STUN
Attach with rope TIEON
Berlin "Mister" HERR
Bit of sports info STAT
Bolshevik leader LENIN
Bow-toting god EROS
Building wing ELL
Butterlike spread OLEO
Capable of doing a job UPTOTHETASK
Cause to chuckle AMUSE
Concerning ASTO
Corp. leaders CEOS
Dabbling duck TEAL
Daddies PAS
Eject, geyser-style SPEW
El __, Texas PASO
Elementary BASIC
Exxon, once ESSO
Fell with an axe HEW
Floppy with data DISK
Foreman in court, e.g. JUROR
Greenish-blue AQUA
Group fight MELEE
Imitator APER
Improvises lines ADLIBS
Internet giant with an exclamation point in its name YAHOO
Jackie Gleason catchphrase ANDAWAYWEGO
Kitty or kisser PUSS
La __, Bolivia PAZ
Clues Answers
Like an escapee ONTHELAM
Lose, as skin SHED
Medicinal plants ALOES
Minor quarrel SPAT
More than damp WET
Mother with a Nobel Prize TERESA
Napoleon's exile isle ELBA
Next in line to advance at work UPFORAPROMOTION
Northern Nevada town ELKO
Not practiced UNSKILLFUL
Oolong and pekoe TEAS
Open one's eyes WAKE
Pervasive quality AURA
Pianist Brubeck DAVE
Plastic overlays for artwork ACETATES
Playground game TAG
Poem used in Beethoven's "Choral Symphony" ODETOJOY
Pop music's Hall & __ OATES
Pose a question ASK
Prefix meaning "same" EQUI
Puts behind bars JAILS
Roof overhang EAVE
Shrill bark YELP
Skills-sharpening piano piece ETUDE
Small battery AAA
SoCal cop force LAPD
Solidify JELL
Sorrow WOE
Southpaw's nickname LEFTY
Subj. for some immigrants ESL
Sweet-talk COAX
Tarzan actor Ron ELY
To-do FUSS
U.S. Cabinet divisions DEPTS
Underneath BELOW
Unreturnable serves ACES
Unwavering look STARE
With __ breath: tensely anticipatory BATED
Yard event SALE