The Times - Concise - Times Concise Jumbo No 653

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Clues Answers
A person’s nature TEMPERAMENT
Antechamber, hall VESTIBULE
Be reasonable! come come
Branch of medicine indentifying illnesses DIAGNOSTICS
Bring (troops) together MUSTER
Cartoon creator ANIMATOR
Cheerful and carefree nature light-heartedness
Clan leader CHIEFTAIN
Classically-influenced revival RENAISSANCE
Completely TOTALLY
Detailed written study MONOGRAPH
Dish of meat in sauce FRICASSEE
Drama with both funny and serious elements TRAGICOMEDY
Earthenware POTTERY
English poet TENNYSON
Fastest pace of a horse GALLOP
Friendly attitude GOODWILL
Gaseous element NEON
Hater of humankind MISANTHROPE
Iced fancy CUPCAKE
Illicit plotting INTRIGUE
Item of office furniture swivel chair
Lecherous look OGLE
Loom above OVERHANG
Luminous state RADIANCE
Many and various MANIFOLD
Minor improvement AMENDMENT
Move about restlessly FIDGET
Clues Answers
Night-flying insect puss moth
One bringing legal case PLAINTIFF
One who stirs up trouble agent provocateur
Part of a flower PISTIL
Pre-conquest Peruvian INCA
Promise with certainty GUARANTEE
Put in gaol IMPRISON
Ready to submit to authority OBEDIENT
Redundant, unnecessary SUPERFLUOUS
Retailer carrying a particular item STOCKIST
Seize roughly GRAB
Selective slaughter CULL
Semi-liquid mixture such as manure with water SLURRY
Separate division COMPARTMENT
Serve at table WAIT
Silver-white metal MAGNESIUM
Small box for medicines INRO
Specially trained soldier COMMANDO
Strange religious group CULT
Straying; knight — ERRANT
Strongly opposed (to) AVERSE
Studier of languages PHILOLOGIST
Such as a barn or stable associated with a house OUTBUILDING
Taken away REMOVED
The removal of official status from, eg, a church DISESTABLISHMENT
Top company post managing director
Unlimited power OMNIPOTENCE
Very passionate; glowing red-hot
Willing to be of assistance COOPERATIVE
Womaniser LOTHARIO