Ink Well xwords - Sep 4 2009

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Clues Answers
'80s muscle car IROC
'Great desert,' in Mongolian GOBI
'I was not expecting that' OHWOW
'Law & Order' variant SVU
'SmackDown' org. WWE
'Str8 off tha Streetz of Muthaphukkin Compton' rapper EAZYE
'The Magnificent Seven' studio MGM
'The Outcasts of Poker Flat' author Bret HARTE
'What More Can ___' (unreleased post-9/11 Michael Jackson charity single) IGIVE
'Zounds!' EGAD
'___ & Stitch' LILO
'___ Really Going Out With Him?' ISSHE
2007 U.S. Open winner Cristie KERR
Agcy. that warns about scam operations BBB
Always, in poetry EER
Boot camp command MARCH
Campus contact ending EDU
Certain steak source TUNA
Cliff Huxtable, professionally OBGYN
Club chart mainstay Minogue KYLIE
Compete VIE
Crucifix inscription INRI
Disturbing painter Hieronymus BOSCH
Early Costello single ALISON
Electronic music magazine URB
Elite Eight org. NCAA
Fifth-century pope called 'the Great' LEOI
Formal, affirmative reply IAM
Former 'Headbangers Ball' regulars with 'Round and Round' RATT
Foul-mouthed White Sox manager Guillen OZZIE
Frosty film RIME
Future multibillionaire inventor, perhaps GEEK
Gaelic tongue ERSE
In the area: Abbr. ESTD
It can be crumbled on your cone OREO
Lauder of scents and such ESTEE
Linguist's vowel: Var. SHWA
More booked BUSIER
More sticklike SCRAWNIER
Clues Answers
Motivate, in a way URGE
Non-lethal ammo BBS
Northeast Thai tongue LAO
One might be animated GIF
One taking siestas DOZER
Part that failed on the space shuttle Challenger ORING
Per annum AYEAR
Pigeon's target, often STATUE
Politician's tenures TERMS
Powdered one's nose, as it were WENT
Professional connections INS
Prominent auto racing family name UNSER
Put money in, as the meter FED
Q.E.D. part ERAT
Quotable Simpson ABE
Rabbit of folklore BRER
Really expensive bomber BTWO
Refrain from a happy singer TRALALALA
Sci-fi acceleration technology (that I think I actually figured out how to make if I just had this one part) WARPDRIVE
Sci-fi stealth shields (that these two scientists at Harvard actually did figure out how to make) CLOAKINGDEVICES
Sci-fi swords (that my older brother actually got to use one time at this place but he had to sign a contract saying he wouldn't tell anyone where they're located) LIGHTSABERS
Sci-fi translation device (that my uncle actually caught one of in his pond and one time he let me use it) BABELFISH
Sci-fi urban transport vehicles (that will be for sale in California probably next year) HOVERBOARDS
Self-satisfied SMUG
Sexual conquest ASS
Site design interface WEBEDITOR
Skype alternative ICHAT
Sore MAD
Steinbeck figure OKIE
Summer episodes with lots of fans HEATWAVES
Symmetrical Japanese poem HAIKU
Take care of the lawn, in a way AERATE
Tel ___ AVIV
Treat often made with root beer FLOAT
Turtle, sometimes PET
Up and about AWAKE
Wedding toppers VEILS
___ out a victory EKE
___ to go (zealous) RARIN