- Jun 16 2019

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Clues Answers
''And you believe that?'' REALLY
''Dirty Dancing'' father JERRYORBACH
''Doggone it!'' DRAT
''Father of the Bride'' (1991) father STEVEMARTIN
''I, Robot'' author ASIMOV
''It's my concern . . .'' IFEAR
''Meet the Parents'' father ROBERTDENIRO
''Mrs. Doubtfire'' father ROBINWILLIAMS
''That's true, but . . .'' EVENSO
''The Descendants'' father GEORGECLOONEY
''The Godfather'' father MARLONBRANDO
''The Pursuit of Happyness'' father WILLSMITH
''To Kill a Mockingbird'' father GREGORYPECK
''We Bought a Zoo'' father MATTDAMON
''Wizard of Oz'' setting KANSAS
''__ Finest Hour'' (Churchill book) THEIR
A Bobbsey twin NAN
Acapulco abode CASA
Accelerate, with ''up'' REV
Actor Maguire's real first name TOBIAS
Advertising awards CLIOS
Arrow on some roads ONEWAY
Baby buzzard NESTLING
Back muscle, briefly LAT
Bacon serving STRIP
Bar array RYES
Belittle ABASE
Brightly plumed birds ORIOLES
Camel cousin ALPACA
Campus officials DEANS
Capone, for much of the '30s INMATE
Car wash worker DETAILER
Church features STEEPLES
Clumsy ones CLODS
Colgate competitor ORALB
Complained about DECRIED
Country singer Steve EARLE
County Kerry's land EIRE
Crashing sound BAM
Cuts back on PARES
Dating website EHARMONY
Decide to compete in ENTER
Deletes, with ''out'' XES
Development phases STAGES
Diminutive rascal IMP
Doesn't lack HAS
Dow Jones fig AVG
Dramatizes, as an old battle REENACTS
French-born designer DIOR
Frequent fryers OILS
Frequent st. crosser AVE
German sausage, for short BRAT
Gilda once of ''SNL'' RADNER
Golf great's nickname ARNIE
Goulash, for instance STEW
Grove element TREE
Harms severely MAIMS
Heavy weight TON
Holden's ''Catcher in the Rye'' brother ALLIE
Holder of emergency supplies GOBAG
Hosp. professionals DRS
Hosp. professionals RNS
Indian flatbread NAAN
Indonesian ape ORANG
Insole material GEL
Italian name meaning ''bearlike ones'' ORSINI
Jaunty tune LILT
Jogger's gadget IPOD
Kimono accessory OBI
Laugh-a-minute person HOOT
Leave or deduct, with ''off'' TAKE
Light sprays MISTS
Management level TIER
Clues Answers
May honoree MOM
Middle of the 11th century MLI
Miles away AFAR
Motionless INERT
Name on the cover of ''The Fountainhead'' AYN
Natural soother ALOE
Naval builder SEABEE
Neck of the woods AREA
Neighbor of Pakistan IRAN
On the dot SHARP
Painted canvas that rotates SPINART
Parked oneself SAT
Place to graze LEA
Plasterer's strip LATH
Pointless to discuss MOOT
Publicity guy, for short PRMAN
Puzo's final novel OMERTA
Reach across SPAN
Ready to snooze TIRED
Reason to be bounced NOID
Redeems, with ''in'' CASHES
Rest against, with ''on'' LEAN
Rolls-Royce's current owner BMW
S&L window stat CDRATE
Scoundrel RAT
Sense of style TASTE
Sensory stimuli ODORS
Shattered glass SHARDS
Significant period ERA
Sir Elton John's instrument PIANO
Sitar selection RAGA
Slow exercise system TAICHI
Soccer stadium cries OLES
Some MIT grads EES
Something held in a pen INK
Songs of praise HYMNS
Sooner, affectionately OKIE
Sound from a sheep BLEAT
Sphere under a chair CASTER
Sprinter's assignment LANE
Starfish ray ARM
Starter for bus OMNI
Starter like mono- UNI
Stir to anger RILE
Stock up on AMASS
Stone of ''La La Land'' EMMA
Stroll with a swagger STRUT
Strong impulses YENS
Subleased RELET
Sweeping story EPIC
Synthetic fabric ending LON
The latest happenings NEWS
Through ENDED
Toasted sandwich, for short BLT
Tokyo-based watchmaker SEIKO
Tomato often used for paste ROMA
Trickle slowly SEEP
Ultimate goal AIM
Unaffiliated: Abbr IND
Up to the task ABLE
Violent outburst PAROXYSM
Vise component JAW
Vocalist Ronstadt LINDA
Votes in favor YEAS
Votes in favor AYES
Water near the Eiffel Tower SEINE
What Sondheim rhymed with ''amigos'' EGOS
When many get lunch ATNOON
Winged stingers WASPS
Without missing __ ABEAT
Woe for Woods BOGEY
Word hollered in ''. . . Streetcar . . .'' STELLA
Workplaces for 73 Across and 121 Down ORS