Universal - Jun 6 2019

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Clues Answers
"For shame!" syllable TSK
"Right away, captain!" AYEAYE
"This Is Us" actor Ventimiglia MILO
"Walk This Way" rap trio RUNDMC
"Why don't we!" LETS
"___ Miz" LES
"___ to differ!" IBEG
*Citrus fruit from Sausalito's county? MARINORANGE
*Pack a mineral supplement? BRINGIRON
*Prince Harry, to Meghan Markle? ROYALMATE
*Request for a police operation? STINGORDER
Actress Faris or Kendrick ANNA
Beachgoer's need TOWEL
Bighorn, e.g SHEEP
Body part that rests on a viola CHIN
Brouhaha ADO
Bygone OLDEN
Center MIDST
Cheri once on 51-Across OTERI
Chili ___ carne CON
Coup d'___ ETAT
Demon, e.g EVILDOER
Destitute, or a hint to what was deleted from each starred answer DOWNANDOUT
Difficult journey TREK
Dissenting votes NAYS
Dos for Jimi and Questlove FROS
Dr. with Grammys DRE
Dreamlike Debussy piece REVERIE
Enjoy shallow coral reefs, say SNORKEL
Free TV spot PSA
Full-length film FEATURE
Geometry calculation AREA
Go a few rounds SPAR
Hawaiian word of welcome ALOHA
Houston team ASTROS
Is unobliged to NEEDNOT
Clues Answers
It sometimes rhymes POETRY
Journalist Koppel TED
Kingdom REALM
Longtime NBC hit SNL
Lowest rung on the corporate ladder, stereotypically MAILROOM
Mix smoothly BLEND
Morales of "NYPD Blue" ESAI
Nothing more than MERE
OED entries WDS
On behalf of FOR
Once named NEE
One more time AGAIN
Org. for former soldiers VFW
Otto ___ Bismarck VON
Passionate ARDENT
Pestle partner MORTAR
Pine tree secretions RESINS
Prefix with "cycle" TRI
Publicly condemned DECRIED
Raccoon's South American cousin COATI
Some Polynesian performances HULAS
Southernmost Great Lake ERIE
Speed reader? RADAR
Street ___ CRED
Swimmer's unit LAP
Swiss chocolate brand LINDT
Symbol of gentleness LAMB
Throw for a loop ASTOUND
Tornado warning SIREN
Turn into mush PUREE
Undermine ERODE
Very nerdy sort GEEK
Whirlpool subsidiary AMANA
Whopper TALE
Wine's aroma NOSE
Word with "fixed" or "going" RATE
Worksheet holder BINDER