Wall Street Journal - Aug 14 2009 - August 14, 2009 - Scaling Down

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Clues Answers
'Calvin and Hobbes' bully MOE
'Das Lied von der Erde' composer MAHLER
'Double Fantasy' singer ONO
'Easy for you ___!' TOSAY
'Jeez!' OHGOSH
'Lord, ___?' ISITI
'O Sole ___' MIO
'Rugrats' girl SUSIE
'See ya!' BYE
'The Jungle Book' bear BALOO
'___ fired!' YOURE
'___-hoo!' YOO
Acad. or coll. SCH
Antivirus software target WORM
Arrangements for kids PLAYDATES
Big ray MANTA
Bolted down ATE
Book wrap-ups EPILOGS
Boorish CRASS
Bordeaux bud AMI
Bratty talk SASS
Broadway bio of 1989 TRU
Busy worker in Apr. CPA
Calisthenics move NIPUP
Call on USE
Census form choice MALE
Chat room chortle LOL
Check for prints DUST
Chicago suburb NILES
Cocoa powder amts. TSPS
Coll. grads-to-be SRS
Cornhusker St. NEBR
Count at the breakfast table CHOCULA
Crony PAL
Dash lengths EMS
Deep bow SALAAM
Dog confiscated by Miss Gulch TOTO
Elvis's plea in '101 Dalmatians'? DONTBECRUELLA
Frank order? NOMUSTARD
Frost lines POETRY
German port on the North Sea EMDEN
Get a new crew for REMAN
Goals ENDS
Golfer Pak SERI
Gorp bits NUTS
Hardy grains RYES
Hatcher and Polo TERIS
He wore 8 as a Yankee BERRA
High-elev. place MTN
High-fiber bowlful endorsed by 'The Godfather' actor? ALLBRANDO
Humorist Bombeck ERMA
Immovable STUCK
In-box fillers EMAILS
In-flight MIDAIR
It has the anther STAMEN
Jacuzzi sight AIRBUBBLE
Jayvee athlete, perhaps SOPH
Joanna of 'Absolutely Fabulous' LUMLEY
Journal entries?: Abbr. COS
Kick out of office DEPOSE
Kruger and Klemperer OTTOS
Lascivious sort OGLER
Lasso loop NOOSE
Lifetime Achievement Grammy winner Horne LENA
Like unicorns MYTHICAL
Like urban real estate ZONED
Lipton line TEAS
Listless feeling ENNUI
Lock in the juices, in a way SEAR
Long locks MANE
Magic and Wizards, e.g. NBATEAMS
Clues Answers
Mainstay STAPLE
Make up ATONE
Make ___ of (botch) AMESS
Many a fake ID user TEEN
Memorable mission ALAMO
Memorably concise SNAPPY
Menlo Park middle name ALVA
Mined material ORE
Minimal money CENT
Mother with a Nobel Peace Prize TERESA
Musical pieces OPUSES
New software version ITERATION
Not as much LESSSO
Not in the office AWAY
Not in the office OUT
Not worth ___ of beans AHILL
Objectives AIMS
Obsequious group ADULATORS
Official laptop computer of a San Diego pro? THINKPADRE
One filled with hate LOATHER
One of the Ivies, informally YALEU
Org. that turned 50 in 2008 AARP
Painting protection SMOCKS
Personality type? ONAIR
Piece of Bacon? ESSAY
Pizza parlor order PIE
Prepare to throw wide UNBAR
Prerelease software version BETA
Pro's camera SLR
Proceed besottedly REEL
Progressive acolytes of a 'Giant' actor? MINEOLIBERALS
Purple-skinned fruit STARAPPLE
Put to sleep BORE
R.E.M. hit 'The ___ Love' ONEI
Really bad, in slang WACK
Red hair and green eyes, e.g. TRAITS
River of Flanders YSER
Rose Bowl venue PASADENA
Run a tab, say OWE
Salsa quality ZEST
Sedimentary stuff SILT
Serb or Croat SLAV
Setting of a Bing Crosby film STMARYS
Shiver-inducing MACABRE
Shooter's game CRAPS
Slickers and the like RAINGEAR
Some are fit for a king SHEETS
Steep-sided gully ARROYO
Strike settings ALLEYS
Strong emotion IRE
Stylin' HIP
Suit to ___ ATEE
Telescope part OPTIC
Those, to Juan ESOS
Throws wide, in verse OPES
Timeline divs. YRS
Toad feature WART
Toyota-made autos SCIONS
Trusted Webmaster? DOMAINMAN
Typographical runover WIDOW
Union jack? DUES
Wall St. debut IPO
What Tennessee gridders get after a day at the beach? TITANLINES
What's behind the curtain TUB
When a psychiatric session might wrap up TENOF
Where you're likely to see dirty hands RANCH
Willa Cather story about single trailblazers? SOLOPIONEERS
With 'And,' a Perry Como hit favored by couch potatoes? ILOVEYOUSOFA
___ Lauro (ship in 1985 news) ACHILLE
___ Trophy (golf tourney) SEVE
___-Pitch SLO