- Apr 26 2019

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Average'' guy JOE
''Me too'' IAGREE
''Toy Story'' dino TREX
'70s night spots DISCOS
52 Across fractions: Abbr CTS
Admit, as wrongdoing COPTO
America's second-largest island KODIAK
American Marconi, after 1919 RCA
Attraction near the Pantheon TREVI
Award at 11 Down MEDAL
Award for 29 Down EDGAR
Be durable LAST
Bill Nye attire LABCOAT
California's motto EUREKA
Capital near the Mediterranean TIRANA
Card game call BFOURTEEN
Card game call GFIFTYTWO
Card game call NTHIRTYFOUR
Card game call OSIXTYSIX
Card game call ININETEEN
Ceiling supporter JOIST
Commencement ONSET
Common 29 Down character KGBSPY
Creator of Smiley the agent LECARRE
Crossroad sight STOPSIGN
Cultivating tool HOE
Easy-listening LITE
Email ancestors TELEXES
Emeralds, for instance BERYLS
Employee's anticipatory exclamation TGIF
Encouraging gesture PAT
Endorsed OKD
Exodus high point SINAI
Faithful, in Frankfurt TREU
Fly-__ (airshow maneuvers) BYS
Clues Answers
From long ago OFYORE
Get dressed, with ''up'' TOG
Giraffe cousin OKAPI
Greek peace goddess IRENE
Green shade OLIVE
Homophone for ''heir'' ERE
HS auxiliaries PTAS
Incubator output HEAT
Intro drawing class ARTI
Knowing better WISER
Machine clamp TBOLT
Montenegro money EURO
Moses' grandpa LEVI
Much money, briefly BIL
Not so high-pitched ALTO
Oscar winner as Lynn SPACEK
Passing through VIA
Play digressions ASIDES
Played up TOUTED
Preposterousness INANITY
Recites SAYS
Risky aspects IFS
Rochester's river GENESEE
Royal name of Spain ALFONSO
Russian Winter Olympics site SOCHI
Send forth EMIT
Smite HIT
Spring down stairs SLINKY
Supped in slippers ATEIN
Supporter's shout AYE
Supporters' shouts YESES
Way to memorize ROTE
Weakened, in gaming slang NERFED
Whiskey bottle word PROOF
Women's suffrage Amendment XIX
Zimbabwe, formerly RHODESIA