The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27335

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Clues Answers
A line became hard to sort out, as only fit for computer input? machine-readable
A top man, weak initially, is getting aroused WAKING
Artefact of Catholic priest being held? RELIC
Bound to take chaps into extraterrestrial sort of escape ELOPEMENT
Cigars given out with ale and port ALGECIRAS
Confronts having to collect ash container — they may be very hot FURNACES
Conservative head receiving a guy who lives on an island? CARIBBEAN
Delighted to take in Jehan’s last for organ GLAND
Diner travelling in carriage prepared to talk to fellow passengers? FRIENDLY
Dry area sinking into sea somewhere across the Channel BRITTANY
First stronghold to protect an indefinite number after retreat FOREMOST
Food Rosy brought around as a possible first course? CHOWDER
Glow of one about to engage in 11? FIRELIGHT
Great big bully pursuing maiden in the capital MOSCOW
Instruction to give girl corporal punishment here? HITHER
Clues Answers
Investigator given a ring in awkward situation CORONER
Language of love used by wise man OSAGE
Mad golfer keen to wed — a temptation that should have been avoided? tree of knowledge
Man perhaps writing half of the letters RALPH
Minimal length after incompetent person cut cloth DUFFEL
Not half thin, like many a birthday cake cut up SLICED
Old soldiers being gathered came to the same conclusion AGREED
One going quickly turning miserable, star losing love DASHER
Oxford will always be beaten LACED
Parent upset over boy getting cut in the head TREPANNED
Part of America with no room for trendy goddess DIANA
Something surgeon provides for pain STITCH
Son — little couple’s beloved one SWEETIE
Stand where gateman has returned ETAGERE
The fellow is entertained by Greek following rationalist philosophy? ATHEISTIC