The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 7902

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Clues Answers
Accomplished, reached ACHIEVED
Become subject to INCUR
Beneath UNDER
Compel (someone to do something) OBLIGE
Covered passage ARCADE
Curdling agent RENNET
Deny the truth of REPUDIATE
Drew level EQUALISED
Economise SKIMP
Eg, whale or dolphin CETACEAN
Enough; plentiful AMPLE
Entangle ENMESH
Fairly good; approve OKAY
Clues Answers
Food for cattle FODDER
Go on a spree live it up
Imperfection DEFECT
In this place HERE
Keenness, enthusiasm EAGERNESS
Leftover piece of material OFFCUT
Networks of lines GRIDS
Number FIVE
Roman numeral M THOUSAND
Start out set off
Sudden desire WHIM
Worldwide; cosmic UNIVERSAL