The Sun - Two Speed - Feb 28 2019

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Clues Answers
--- Fudd, cartoon character ELMER
1916 battle site SOMME
Adam's wife EVE
Agitated STIRRED
Annoying child? I'm quiet! IMP
Aristocrat from Salerno blessed NOBLE
Ballet spin PIROUETTE
Beg for naughty fairy tales? IMPLORE
Bird shows colour, that is when reflected EIDER
Bone, slightly backwards, covering one TIBIA
Cage is put in for toucan at last PRISON
Call European Court in local language DIALECT
Capture once more RETAKE
City on the Seine PARIS
Come together UNITE
Day with politician getting hit THUMP
Dicky met punk, dishevelled UNKEMPT
Elegant socialist accepts punishment REFINED
EU banks money raised to make one UNITE
Explosive situation powder keg
Eyesore includes M1 block STYMIE
Few protecting millions in war zone SOMME
Fight is in balance RESIST
Film scene again in Caretaker RETAKE
From the direction of the rising sun EASTERN
Greta ---, actress GARBO
Clues Answers
Gun might need this barrel to fire! powder keg
Heavy blow THUMP
Heavy reading in Toronto messenger? TOMES
High-born NOBLE
Hinder or obstruct STYMIE
Husband in run to deliver coarse gravel SHINGLE
Linguistic variety DIALECT
Lower leg part TIBIA
Move aside make way
Pairs to split in French capital PARIS
Provisional INTERIM
Reclusive star seen in dress circle GARBO
Revolutionary dance move? PIROUETTE
Scholarly books TOMES
Sea duck EIDER
Seashore pebbles SHINGLE
Shivering fit, ague, causing weariness FATIGUE
Socialist brought to prison is roused STIRRED
Sprite IMP
State at last behind Oriental EASTERN
Temporary home: one to call round INTERIM
Tiredness FATIGUE
Ungroomed UNKEMPT
Wabbit hunter in Skelmersdale ELMER
What road builders do to clear path make way
Withstand RESIST
Woman from Cleveland EVE