Irish Times (Crosaire) - Feb 19 2019

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Clues Answers
A quarrel over tip for Derby off course ADRIFT
Accommodation on various floors holding key foreign peer group? HOUSEOFLORDS
Bear in mind one of the team is after one of those flipping Wards REMEMBER
Bowler knocks back Asti in cocktail from South Pacific TAHITIANS
Brush with company doctor by individuals leads to hostility and irrational rebuke (4,3'1,4) COMBONESHAIR
Considering most of those in 27 across and in Government THINKING
Courses for raising small type of animal FLOWS
Detective in Mayo confused by lack of imagination MYOPIA
Earl is out in the Middle East ISRAEL
Elite getting out of helicopter providing space for the American rockers PORCH
Genius from the painting class is really appreciated by those playing rugby ARTISTRY
Hound produced by wild beasts BASSET
It's typical of an honest broker viewed as having the reputation of a blonde perhaps SEENTOBEFAIR
Latest on 100 metres is in the paper NEWSPRINT
Clues Answers
Metropolitans dismiss trial on playing speeds TEMPOS
Operatives lose vote in The Laurels PRAISE
Phrenologists missing, in short, and that's the absolute truth GOSPEL
Protective types of tree huggers perhaps, close to Hazel and Ash, welcome university work BULWARKS
Say what's on your mind to very slender Kelvin on holiday - it sounds harsh! THINKOUTLOUD
Similar to Olive and Pip from The Hard Rock LIMESTONE
Sounds like something you'd get from The Treaty with The Queen PIECE
Spot line by Oscar from action novel LOCATION
Team is soft, never on time, and is left holding the crumbs? SIDEPLATE
That's the last thing you might do to sail through a course PASSAWAY
They're painting a picture of model in part initially lacking elegance ARTCLASS
This has nothing to do with why someone can't work out IDLENESS
Uses one's grey matter opening 18 across at school THINKS
Yeats mistaken for Baker? YEAST