Wall Street Journal - Feb 2 2019 - Occupational Hazards

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Clues Answers
#1 hit for Kenny Rogers LADY
'For what matters most' sloganeer TYLENOL
'Frozen' queen ELSA
'Mazes and Monsters' writer Jaffe RONA
'To Kill a Mockingbird' setting ALABAMA
'Tomb Raider' heroine LARA
A baker may have a problem if she ___ DOESNTKNOWHERROLL
A chef may have a problem if she ___ RUNSOUTOFTHYME
A deli worker may have a problem if he ___ CHANGESTHELOX
A doctor may have a problem if she ___ LACKSPATIENTS
A farmer may have a problem if she ___ MISSESABEET
A fisherman may have a problem if he ___ LOSESHISPLAICE
A window washer may have a problem if he ___ FEELSNOPANE
ABBA's '___ Marionette' IMA
Adrien of skin care fame ARPEL
Alternative to an Uber TAXI
Alternative to Ubers LYFTS
Ancient Jewish ascetic ESSENE
Angered IRED
B train? CDE
Benefit BEHALF
Bot. or bio SCI
Brassy sound BLARE
Bridge position EAST
Bumper-to-bumper occurrence? ACCIDENT
Capital of Cyprus NICOSIA
Children's author Enid BLYTON
Chip to dip FRITO
Comfort SOLACE
Common craps throw SEVEN
Common soccer score ONEONE
Conclusion for Descartes IAM
Cryptographers, often ENCODERS
Customary USUAL
Cut from the same cloth ALIKE
Danny's daughter MARLO
Delicate DAINTY
Division dramatique ACTE
Do an injustice to WRONG
Docile bunch SHEEP
Dogie catchers RIATAS
Dogie catchers ROPES
Edible corm TARO
Engrossed, informally INTOIT
Even if, for short ALTHO
Fabric finish? ATOR
FDR's mtge. plan NHA
Ferrell's cheerleading partner on 73-Down OTERI
Forcibly snatch WREST
Gate attachment HINGE
Geometric calculation AREA
George's wife MARTHA
Graafian follicles OVISACS
Green sauce PESTO
Greenlights OKS
Grilled fish seasoning TARRAGON
Handouts at la brasserie CARTES
Heist haul LOOT
Highly flammable solvent ETHER
Home of Athena, Artemis and Aphrodite OLYMPUS
Houston sch TSU
How good drivers drive ALERTLY
Hyundai model SONATA
Indians, for example ASIANS
It became Spike TV in 2003 TNN
Clues Answers
Itinerant mender of pans TINKER
Jitterbug variant LINDY
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now POPE
Kitchen gadget RICER
Lends a hand AIDS
Liam of 'Widows' NEESON
Like Voldemort, in the Harry Potter films NOSELESS
Little piggy TOE
Livy's love AMOR
Lucy of 'Elementary' LIU
Maladroit INEPT
Malicious looks LEERS
Manicurist's tool NAILFILE
Movie star's affirmation, familiarly OSCARNOD
NBC staple since 1975 SNL
Nevertheless YET
New additions to some families STEPDADS
Newsdealer's spot KIOSK
No longer occupied VACATED
NYC home of Dali's 'The Persistence of Memory' MOMA
Old-fashioned letter salutation MESSRS
Ollie's partner STAN
Opens the door to LETSIN
Outstanding things DEBTS
Overalls pair STRAPS
Password creators USERS
People on pedestals IDOLS
Plow pullers in Amish country MULES
Prose pros EDITORS
Punt path ARC
Puts on the pounds GETSFAT
Random criticisms POTSHOTS
Reparation AMENDS
Rivendell resident ELF
Rosencrantz or Guildenstern, e.g DANE
Salon supply GEL
Salon supply HAIRDYE
Salsa brand ORTEGA
Scrollwork shape ESS
See 5-Down CAP
Shift positions, in volleyball ROTATE
State concisely SUMUP
Stockholder's holding SHARES
Studio section LOT
Suit materials SERGES
Temperature at which water vapor begins to condense DEWPOINT
Tennis great Nastase ILIE
Tongue-flicking critter TOAD
Trade-overseeing org SEC
Tried to rip apart TOREAT
Unexciting BLAH
Vector's counterpart SCALAR
Was in control PRESIDED
What the fourth little piggy had NONE
Whichever ANY
William and Harry, e.g ETONIANS
Winter hat feature EARLAP
With 119-Down, Nestle chocolate candy SNO
Word added to a Realtor's sign SOLD
Workout count REPS
Wrap again, as an ankle RETAPE
Zap, in a way TASE
___ Lanka SRI
___ visit (drops in) PAYSA
___-majeste (treason) LESE