The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 530 - Dec 17 2018

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Clues Answers
'Murder in the --', a short story by Agatha Christie MEWS
1932 film starring James Cagney and Loretta Young TAXI
1940 film starring Groucho, Chico, and Harpo Marx GOWEST
A morwong REDMOKI
A widely distributed mushroom INKCAP
Alan --, British journalist, TV presenter, and broadcaster WHICKER
An ornamental moulding EGGANDDART
Archaic word for the letter Z IZZARD
Eddy --, five times winner of the Tour de France MERCKX
Emperor of France between 1804 and 1814 NAPOLEON
English actor who starred in the TV drama series 'Liverpool 1' MARKWOMACK
Finely shredded leaf vegetables used as a base for a dish or as a garnish CHIFFONADE
Former medicine made with wine and autumn fruits OPORICE
Genus of moths of the Noctuidae family AGROTIS
Clues Answers
Historically, a freely revolving beam fitted with spikes, erected for defence HERISSON
In Greek mythology, the son of Peleus and Thetis ACHILLES
Japanese tea ceremony CHANOYU
Jimi --, rock guitarist, singer, and songwriter HENDRIX
Mariah Carey album RAINBOW
Narrow corridor of land in the north-eastern corner of Afghanistan WAKHANSALIENT
Nationality of 15 CORSICAN
Novel by Boris Pasternak DOCTORZHIVAGO
Novel by Evelyn Waugh BLACKMISCHIEF
Novel by Ray Bradbury DANDELIONWINE
One of the New Testament Gospels LUKE
Tansy-scented perennial herb with buttonlike yellow flowers ALECOST
The bladder campion KNAPBOTTLE
Variegated monkey of south-east Asia DOUC