- Jun 19 2009

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
#16's nickname HONESTABE
#30's nickname SILENTCAL
#43's nickname DUBYA
#7's nickname OLDHICKORY
#9's nickname TIPPECANOE
''Much clearer!'' ISEE
''Steady as __ goes'' SHE
''The Jungle Book'' wolf AKELA
Actress Campbell NEVE
Agenda entries ITEMS
As soon as ONCE
Ascot, for example TIE
Aug. setting DST
Automotive stock PARTS
Baby fox KIT
Big-screen format IMAX
Bring to bear EXERT
Business abbr. INC
Chinese-born TV chef YAN
City founded by Pizarro LIMA
Comic-strip caveman ALLEYOOP
Congreve collection ODES
Craze FAD
Destiny KARMA
Diamondbacks RATTLERS
Early computer ENIAC
Easter flower LILY
Electees INS
European capital RIGA
Everglades wader HERON
Exceptional mark APLUS
Expressions of distress OWS
Faction SECT
Fissure CLEFT
Flat broke TAPPEDOUT
Flowering shrub LILAC
Football position CENTER
Clues Answers
Gunning for AFTER
Horner's last words AMI
Impudent BRASH
Intertwine ENLACE
Kahoolawe neighbor LANAI
Kindergarten recitation ABCS
Mideast desert NEGEV
Mountain-road abbr. ELEV
Night-shift hr. ONEAM
Obstruct CLOG
Old enough OFAGE
Oregon Trail transportation WAGON
Outback birds EMUS
Petruchio's significant other KATE
Polynesian carvings TIKIS
Porkpie or pillbox HAT
Postgraduate field LAW
Psi follower OMEGA
Remote-control button REC
Rub clean ERASE
Sigmund's daughter ANNA
Sit-up muscles ABS
Stargazers' bear URSA
Symbol of authority BADGE
Symbol of authority GAVEL
Talk up PRAISE
Trampled TRODON
Trident feature TINE
Up to now YET
Uppsala resident SWEDE
Urania's sister ERATO
Use the tab key INDENT
Water, essentially OXIDE
What boys will be MEN
WWII entertainers USO
Xerxes' domain PERSIA