The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 28,892 - Nov 9 2018

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Clues Answers
After short time what has managed to become country's biggest city TEHRAN
Article jamming pipe is an old coin DUCAT
Bird caught landing on garden implement CRAKE
Bit of cash first pocketed by European PISTOLE
Building complex redeveloped in e.g. south-east HOUSINGESTATE
Deficiency in desert DEFECT
English friend goes round old church that is historically significant EPOCHAL
First and second to enter wood FOREMOST
Follower of team to drink beer SUPPORTER
Good boy, not completely thick, cheers up GLADDENS
Good money abroad? Excellent! GRAND
Grab someone of distinction, competent but no leader NOBBLE
Had too much on one's plate -- but managed to deal with it! OVERATE
I tried somehow to be less messy TIDIER
Clues Answers
Joyous socialist waffled BLITHERED
Laid into bed, judge gets tucked in BERATED
Modest daughter hugging lover finally expressed doubts DEMURRED
One left in West Country city, not half one missing home? EXILE
Overseas travellers will have this, going in a particular direction EASTBOUND
Robert depressed about empty day, a severe setback BODYBLOW
Spots little son being given kisses SPECKS
Storm is to put off drivers MOTORISTS
Tea before usual time? Bit of work about to be put into it EARLGREY
Teams participating in chapel evensong ELEVENS
Upset about meal's last courses? DESSERTS
Using offensive words, tries to put off some going through snow? SLEDGES
What pianist needs to get to manage black notes? Sly execution SHARPPRACTICE
Wicked person perched outside the underworld SADIST